Share Your Hair Compliments


Well-Known Member
This was inspired by also by a thread started by monie20032007 when a customer complimented her Here on her hair.

So I thought it would be inspirational to all of us to keep on with are hair regimens, if we heard everyone else's compliments.

So don't be shy...SHARE!!!

This is a feel good thread
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Ok I'll start!

After I BC'd, I was a little unsure how my hubby would take it (He's a lover of long hair). So I was a bit nervous. :cantlook:

But I shouldn't have been, I knew he wouldn't let me down. He took one look and told me I looked beautiful and my 3" hair looked like candy floss (cotton candy, to you US'ers).:lol:

I've had one or two compliments from others since then, but that's the one that sticks in my mind.
My girlfriend who took my advice to start her own HJ (first compliment), asked if she could play in my hair, I said sure and she was in awe, I couldn't stop grinning:grin:
This lady at the bank....I was next in line, she started walking over, I was getting my attitude ready, I thought she was tryna cut. she says "I like how you matched your ponytail to your hair" I laughed and said "Thanks" LOL!
Yesterday a friend from church complimented me on how healthy my hair looked. She told me to flip it like a hair commercial but I'm shy & told her my neck hurt. hehe (I just can't..)
I'm shy about compliments concerning my appearance but I just felt so good that she acknowledged how healthy it looked. I've been really trying to be kind to my hair recently.
I usually wear wigs as a ps. Early in my stretch I wear my hair down on some weekends. I flatironed my hair and I was cooking in the kitchen. I didn't realize my DH was looking at me. He told me that he really likes my hair and it looked nice. He never has anything to say about my wigs but he will give compliments on my real hair.
I was 8 weeks post and my mom saw me and asked if I had just had a relaxer - to me that was a compliment.
Don't it make you want to smile when complimented on you style.

In my best L'Oreal voice: "Because YOU'RE worth it, too"


Keep them coming...
I wear my hair in buns or halfwigs all the time so no one really sees my hair :ohwell: therefore no one really compliments it but here are the few that stuck with me in 2011 so far:

- I wore my hair blow dried and my mom said my hair's super long. She jokingly said "I can't believe you're my daughter" haha because she only has NL hair. I've been trying to get her on a HHJ and now hopefully that she sees my progress she'll get started

- One night I was taking down my cousin's sew in. Well I "bun dropped (think reniece)" and one of them asked if it was "all mine" and proceeded to touch it and said it was so soft. then they asked my reggie :) Hair compliments are my fav :D

- I bumped into my old friend and the first thing she said was "Hold on...your hairs long girl". I felt really good she noticed. Because we would always talk about hair in high school (she successfully transitioned and has the best buns ever...she's about natural BSB). She also said my hair looks reallly healthy too which I appreciated.

- My best friend has rarely seen my real hair. I'm always PSing in wigs, well once I wore my real hair and her eyes popped out of her head lol she couldn't believe it. I inspired her to get going on her hhj as well :)
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The one that stands out the most is when a girl in the club asked if my braid out was a weave. I told her no and in mind I was :weird: that my natural hair had reached weave check status.
My aunt that was visiting from T&T asked if I had extension and my cousin said no it was my real hair. (Smiling to myself).

My cousins complimenting me on my hair.

My mom and brother will always complain about the amount of time I spend on washing my hair and turn around and tell someone - friend or visitor about what I am doing and how much my hair grow and to give it a try.

At work if I let it down and if it is like freshly washed, I will get some compliments sometimes and ask if that was my real hair.
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My hair does not compare to the beautiful heads of hair on this board. But I've come a long way from where I started. I hadn't been to see my parents in a few months (different states) and when I went home, my mother looked at me and said "OOOOH, ALL THAT HAIR!"

Not gonna lie, that felt so good!