Shea butter in a bag?


New Member
I just got my order from Lotioncrafter....I'm happy but I don't know what to do with this stuff. :ohwell: I got aloe vera juice...1 pound and it's in a nice neat bottle. But the 1lb. of shea butter is just in a plastic baggy. What should I do.... melt it down and pour into a container? or just leave it in the bag? I didn't know it would come like this.


Also how do I use the aloe vera juice on my hair?
That's strange my last order of Shea butter from them came in a plastic container.
U can break it up and put it in a sterile container.
Don't melt it at high temperature or when it cools it will crystalize.
If u need it soft just take out the portion u want to use and melt in on low in a slow cooker or double boiler.
What are u using it for?
Well I got a pound of the shea butter because I figured I use some on my hair and some on my body. I didn't think it would be so hard... So now I just want to figure out a good mix...maybe add in some oils or something? I don't know.
One thing u can do is just make it into a smoother butter thats easier to use:
4oz sheabutter and melt in a double boiler or slow cooker on low setting just until its melted.
While it is melting prepare a ice bath by putting cold water and ice in a big bowl. Make sure its not alot so that when u place ur bowl with oil in there water wont get in
Once melted place bowl in ice bath let sit for 10 min. Then blend on med till it starts to thicken then blend on high.Let sit for 5 or 10 min then blend on high till thickens. Do this until it becomes like lotion thickness. Then take out of ice bath and put in a container. It will get firmer on its own for the next 24 hours thats why u dont want it too thick while ur mixing

If u didnt want to do the ice bath then u can stick the melted bowl of oil in the freezer for 2 min. Blend on med till thicker then on high. stick back in the freezer for 1min then blend on high till thicker. Do this until it becomes like lotion thickness and then put in a container. I've done this way and like it but make sure u dont leave it in there to long or it will harden or turn ouit hard

Also if u add other oils for a shea butter mix keep it at a 50/50 ratio and follower the above steps
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