Shoulder Length? I am not sure I am quite ready to claim it. (Photo Inside)


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies, here is a picture I took last Sunday ( note: I am always shy about my progress pics for some reason :confused: ).

Here, I am half way done with flat-ironing it.

(Don’t mind the air-dried unstraighten hair clipped up on the top of my head! :lol: Just focus on the straightened part. :lol: )

It is bumped under a bit in the back so my back length when totally straight is actually a little past my shoulder.

But the front!!!??? It is taking so long to catch up. I don’t really feel shoulder length with the front like that.

When you guys claim a length, do you think about even lengths all around or just the back?

Note: I swear I don't use those blowdryers!! :lol:
IMO you have been shoulder length for at least a couple of months. I thought of your old siggy pic as shoulder length, especially since you seem to curl your hair in tighter curls:look:


When I think of lengths I think of how other people would describe my hair. Most people would describe my hair as shoulder length even though it is just at APL in the back so I describe my hair as shoulder length.

I think when most people look at your hair and give a description of it they would call it "about shoulder length" which is the same difference in my book :confused:
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most parts are shoulder length....its hard because many people on the board make it seem like you have to have all the hair resting on your shoulders to be shoulder length :shrugs:
i claimed SL after the sides started to touch my shoulders. the back's been past SL for a few months now but you know the front takes forever to catch up. we're our own worse critics so if you feel you're SL then you definetely are.
trimbride said:
IMO you have been shoulder length for at least a couple of months. I thought of your old siggy pic as shoulder length, especially since you seem to curl your hair in tighter curls:look:


When I think of lengths I think of how other people would describe my hair. Most people would describe my hair as shoulder length even though it is just at APL in the back so I describe my hair as shoulder length.

I think when most people look at your hair and give a description of it they would call it "about shoulder length" which is the same difference in my book :confused:

Co-signing the bolded part:)
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If your hair is straight and hits your shoulders, then claim it!

When I claimed shoulder even though front of my hair was still chin length, but back and sides were dead on.

I won't claim apl until my sides finally catch up to the back. The back I'm dead on, the sides though have an inch or two to go. The front probably never will with my luck (its about collar bone)

I think that we can be way too hard on ourselves where hair is concerned. I can think of no ones hair that has every strand growing at the same rate.

You hair looks like if you're SL :yay:

then that means I am too :D I'll check for sure in my next update b/c I'm not so sure either :sekret:
artemis_e. said:
You hair looks like if you're SL :yay:

then that means I am too :D I'll check for sure in my next update b/c I'm not so sure either :sekret:

Yeah, the next time I relax (in 3 weeks) I am going to take more pics to really get a good idea.

By that time mY front may actually be touching my shoulders if I don't curl my hair under. I always prefer it to be bumped a bit, vs. straight because I keep the heat low on my flat iron. A little curl seems to make the not-so-straight hair look better and it easier to finger comb - I CANNOT get a comb through my hair AT ALL right now! :look:

But, I just always had the idea of full shoulder length hair that is more like Shoulder blade length. But, when a lady at work said "I used to have shoulder length hair like yours, but I cannot handle hair on my neck in the summer". I was like "who me?!" that is what made me wonder - Am I really shoulder length? to her I was and I never really thought about it before that time.
Claim it girl. You are there!!! I claimed it when my sides were chin length and the back where hitting my shoulders. Keep on doing what your doing and u might see a difference when you relax. I always get surprised then because how tightly coiled my hair is.

I say claim it girl! All the hair doesn't need to be at the same point to be legit. I was claiming bsl before my front and sides got to bsl. My hair is just now at the point where it's pretty much all one length (thanks to the hair cut I got a few months back). Even though I lost some length in the back, I like being all one length. Anyway, said all that to say that you can claim it regardless and if you want your hair to be all one length later, you can do that too!:)
Um, YAH!!! :D Girl this is my theory - if ne part of you hair touches your shoulder, than its shoulder length. Unless you trim/cut your hair all one length, I dont think NEONE's hair will ever be the same length @ the same time.

Congrats to you!! Your hair is lovely!!!
Honey Dew, you're shoulder length. I think when most of the hair is shoulder length you can claim it. I had shoulder length hair the last time I had healthy relaxed hair (in 12th grade) but the bangs in the front never really grew out. :ohwell: It was still mostly shoulder length though. I say claim it!
HoneyDew said:
Yeah, the next time I relax (in 3 weeks) I am going to take more pics to really get a good idea.

By that time mY front may actually be touching my shoulders if I don't curl my hair under. I always prefer it to be bumped a bit, vs. straight because I keep the heat low on my flat iron. A little curl seems to make the not-so-straight hair look better and it easier to finger comb - I CANNOT get a comb through my hair AT ALL right now! :look:

But, I just always had the idea of full shoulder length hair that is more like Shoulder blade length. But, when a lady at work said "I used to have shoulder length hair like yours, but I cannot handle hair on my neck in the summer". I was like "who me?!" that is what made me wonder - Am I really shoulder length? to her I was and I never really thought about it before that time.

Girl, you are shoulder length. So start claiming your but off.:p :lol:

Shoulder blade length is more like half way to APL. We just need to stop being so hard on ourselves. Part of that, I believe, is that we are so very critical of each other as well as ourselves. Sometimes I think that we are afraid of claiming a length, because we worry about getting shot down.

Now that I've preached to the choir, I need to work on claiming my own length.:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
GoldenBreeze said:
Shoulder blade length is more like half way to APL... Sometimes I think that we are afraid of claiming a length, because we worry about getting shot down.

Wow, my hair is SL too then! All last week I was dying to add "achieved" to my first goal in my siggy, but I kept thinking that it had to be all on the shoulder blade to be considered shoulder length. YAY for you and me !!!:trampolin
yup, if i were describing you to someone, i'd say she has shoulder length hair etc etc.... claim it!!!!!! :grin: :grin:
Your hair looks very healthy and full. Congrats! I consider you shoulder length. In my opinion, every strand of hair doesn't need to touch your shoulder to be SL. Some people never wear their hair blunt, that doesn't take away from their length. Enjoy your progress.
GoldenBreeze said:
Sometimes I think that we are afraid of claiming a length, because we worry about getting shot down.

I totally agree with this! I also think you have been at shoulder length for a minute and it's about time you start claiming it!

Good for you!
Wait a minute, if you're shoulder length....:eek:

Well, I'm not claiming until I have full shoulder length. Congrats girl! You're an inspiration :D
lovenharmony said:
Wait a minute, if you're shoulder length....:eek:

Well, I'm not claiming until I have full shoulder length. Congrats girl! You're an inspiration :D

From the looks of your siggy pick, you are full shoulder length. :)