So additicted to LHCF!

Yeah, I'm an addict too, but I'm in rehab...:lachen:

When I first got on here...I went compeletely pyscho. I didn't want to eat or sleep or even be bothered with my dd or dh (good to know that I am not the only one); I couldn't believe my own behavior! (I'm ashamed to admit it, but I went from reading 3-4 books a day to the baby, to zero! I am back reading again, just not as much, but I am working on it). DH thought that I was cheating on him, cause he couldn't understand what was making me stay up sooo late, and be sooo happy to be on the internet...:lachen:Our relationship changed for the first few months that I was on here....he even started watching me on the pc to see "who" I was talking to.

I am doing better now. And I when my laptop died the other day, it was a gift from God. That took me out of comfort zone, and brought me back to the real world. I did everything I was supposed to do and more. And I was no longer "lazy". Now that my laptop is back...I am still doing well. Now, I am able to balance LHCF and home! I pray that I can keep this up.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:at the bolded. I think our DH's may know each other:nono:.
I have been a year and still addicted, I don't know what my problem is. I have been trying to do more around the house, and then "reward" myself w/ small doses of LHCF. But you know how it goes, it will be just one more thread, which leads me to a fotki, but wait a minute, then when I am on that fotki, I see another head of hair that I just have to look at - next thing you know it's 2 hours later, dinner is not made, DH is looking at me like wth. My 4 y.o. is like, "Mommy, you got more work to do on the 'puter" , Me: "Yes baby, momma does". One positive thing, is I learned how to type really fast:yep:. At least I have something to show for my addiction.
Me? Lurking? Addicted? Proud to see so many Black women with REAL long hair! Ha! OK, I just joined the LHCFA (long hair care forum anonymous) for my addiction:sekret:
Before I actually joined, I lurked for like 4-5 months :look::nono::drunk::ohwell::perplexed. All of those smilies are pretty descriptive for how much I used to be on this site. I think i read every post in the hair forum since 2003!

Lately, I've been limiting my time spent reading on the forum. I forced myself not to check the site for two days in a row, now I give myself a half hour limit (ya'll know I'm lying to myself). I'd like to get down to 1 day a week. I knew I had a problem when for a few nights in a row, I swear I saw the screen to the forum in my dreams. I was like :nono: I am officially insane, LHCF has taken over my REM.

LOL this is me too. I dream about it and have convos with members in my dreams. It's a hot mess.

I have a problem I get on at work and I know folks are like wtf. Every morning I come in log into my pc and say I'm not gonna go on today and before 11:00 am I'm all up in everyone's bizness.

Sometimes I wish I had this smiley :nono: at work cause folks here be trippin. (When I shake my head at home when my fam is asking me some craziness I can see this smiley in my head.) I have a problem and I need help. I need to keep my J-O-B so I can support my pj habit.
LOL this is me too. I dream about it and have convos with members in my dreams. It's a hot mess.

I have a problem I get on at work and I know folks are like wtf. Every morning I come in log into my pc and say I'm not gonna go on today and before 11:00 am I'm all up in everyone's bizness.

Sometimes I wish I had this smiley :nono: at work cause folks here be trippin. (When I shake my head at home when my fam is asking me some craziness I can see this smiley in my head.) I have a problem and I need help. I need to keep my J-O-B so I can support my pj habit.


Y'all got me rollin in the middle of class ! Conversations with members ? I do wish I had that smiley though ... I was thinkin that earlier ..
I'm addicted also.. And I just LOVE how u get immediate responses on here :grin:

:lachen:from all the other addicts.

I am addict too. i always say to myself " I wonder what the girls are up to?"
Next thing you no is 5 hours later......:drunk: