So it's official...I think my hair is damaged...

I was in this type of situation a few days ago, and after having many misshaps with heat, i've finally figured out a way to get my curls back to normal. I hope it works for you since we have very similar hair.

1. i clarify. I used pantene's clarifying shampoo.
2. I use a protein dc, i personally love my aphogee 2min condish. But the jocio k-pak worked just fine for me too
3. now i use a moisturizing dc. this time i used pantene relaxed and natural, breakage defense. Usually i use redken heavy cream or elasta qp dpr-11 (i think i spelled it right, i don't have the jar anymore to look)
4. sometimes if my hair feels dry after all this, i'll take the condish i co-wash with and just leave it on my hair. just like the lady from the bi-racial curls website.
5. leave-in is optional to me.
6. i apply my moisturizer (usually something heavy) then i seal.

Now i know this seems like a bit much, but for me it always works!

I hope i helped you! Sorry for the mishap
Affirm 5 in 1 reconstructor it is my staple :up:

I completely cosign this suggestion. This reconstructor always gives my curls new life when they start to look mushy from too much moisture.

I was in this type of situation a few days ago, and after having many misshaps with heat, i've finally figured out a way to get my curls back to normal. I hope it works for you since we have very similar hair.

1. i clarify. I used pantene's clarifying shampoo.
2. I use a protein dc, i personally love my aphogee 2min condish. But the jocio k-pak worked just fine for me too
3. now i use a moisturizing dc. this time i used pantene relaxed and natural, breakage defense. Usually i use redken heavy cream or elasta qp dpr-11 (i think i spelled it right, i don't have the jar anymore to look)
4. sometimes if my hair feels dry after all this, i'll take the condish i co-wash with and just leave it on my hair. just like the lady from the bi-racial curls website.
5. leave-in is optional to me.
6. i apply my moisturizer (usually something heavy) then i seal.

Now i know this seems like a bit much, but for me it always works!

I hope i helped you! Sorry for the mishap

I pretty much did this whole routine just last night to help out my overmoisturized, mushy curls. I clarified with Nexxus Aloe Rid, then did a protein treatment using Affirm 5-n-1 with heat for 20 minutes, then followed up with Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner with heat for 20 minutes. After I rinsed the deep conditioner, I used a quarter size amount of V05 as a leave-in. Result: moisturized, strong, springy curls.

Brock, I am soo sorry you're going through this right now, but like others have said, you've received some solid advice on how to remedy the situation. All may not be lost yet.
Yep def do the light protein:yep: It helps.

And I agree with whomever aid dont use a straigtening comb:nono: You could have gotten great results with a CHI iron or some other type of ceramic flat iron with a lot less heat. My hair curls always bounce back as soon as the water hits it.
Sorry to hear this Brockstar. This is exactly why I had to big chop this time around. I have some MAJOR damage from presses given to me by my former stylist. Sending hugs your way and I hope that your curls revert back.
i thought Brockstar went to a Dominican salon and got a rollerset + flat iron... what is all this talk of a pressing comb? did i miss something? :look:

:lol: Girl, eggs and oil ARE mayo!! I've been plotting on making a hair specific mayo using hair oils for a minute.

yeah i meant the olive oil is supposed to be better than just plain veggie oil that they use in mayo, plus you have the yolk of the egg which has more protein (i guess mayo only uses the whites). i should've been more specific :yep:
for protein, what do ya'll think about me doing a rinse? I use to do it as a natural and it always revived my hair. It' between that and the ACV.

Yeah I went to the dominican salon and got a rollerset and flat iron...the flatiron was waaaaaaaaaay too hot. :nono::nono::nono:
^^^:look: don't tell nobody, but i don't know what's in a rinse... :lol:

if it has protein in it, it might help. i mean i don't want you to go overboard with protein but i've always used it after straightening and never had problems with my texture being heat altered. plus girls on the board here have said protein treatments have made their hair "revert" after a relaxer (usually cuz they used something hardcore), so i'm thinking it might help your curls come back if used in conjunction with DCing.
My hair would not kink up after I flat ironed in December. It took about 8 weeks of care to get it back to normal. So yeah protein treatments (egg, mayo, EVOO oilings) DC'ing and patience. Cutting was not an option.:nono:
I'm so sorry to hear this girl, I love your hair. But you're getting some great advice so you should start seeing an improvement soon.

Please keep us updated! I'm suppose to go to the salon next week to get my hair flat ironed and trimmed, but for some reason I'm getting a little nervous.

Does anyone no what to do to avoid this happening to your hair?
DC overnight and try a protein treatment. Mine looked like that after I went to the Dominicans but it bounced back after a while.

It still looks totally OK to the untrained eye, but the curls in some places are so much looser and I had to clip a couple of ends b/c they were straight...sigh. It's kind of like that thread written about training hair with heat except I didn't want to...I was fine...

It doesn't look bad at all...but it's def. not the same. I don't know what to do. So far I DC'ed twice and actually last night it did get better so maybe I'll do it one more time.

My friend told me it may take a couple of washes b/c with hers it that true?

Thanks ya'll...and please no "I told you so responses" I'm not very happy right now

Brockstar you might have scared me str8 (no pun intended) i want to get my hair professionally flat ironed this August..... but ahhhhh i want my hair to revert back to it's natural state.

I'm wondering if you could have twisted your hair for a while, would it retrain back into a curl pattern?
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It still looks totally OK to the untrained eye, but the curls in some places are so much looser and I had to clip a couple of ends b/c they were straight...sigh. It's kind of like that thread written about training hair with heat except I didn't want to...I was fine...

It doesn't look bad at all...but it's def. not the same. I don't know what to do. So far I DC'ed twice and actually last night it did get better so maybe I'll do it one more time.

My friend told me it may take a couple of washes b/c with hers it that true?

Thanks ya'll...and please no "I told you so responses" I'm not very happy right now

Sometimes it does take a little time, you wont really know until then! I hope that however it goes you will be happy with it though! :yep:
I'm sorry to hear about your permanently straight pieces Brockstar :sad:

Reading this thread has made me wonder if I have permanent heat damage. The ends of my hair don't really curl that well (you can see a pic in my profile), but they never have really curled. Even the body of my hair is wavy versus curly, with some straight pieces in there. Is this a heat damage issue? or is it just my pattern? TIA

I'm so jealous of you ladies with the coils to the ends...beautiful
I'm so sorry to hear this girl, I love your hair. But you're getting some great advice so you should start seeing an improvement soon.

Please keep us updated! I'm suppose to go to the salon next week to get my hair flat ironed and trimmed, but for some reason I'm getting a little nervous.

Does anyone no what to do to avoid this happening to your hair?

I think it depends on the person's hair. But definitely no super hot/hard presses, I dont know about flat Irons but I would think as little passes as possible no going over it again after already straight