Softliss BKT Review


Well-Known Member
Well, I wanted to give it a try. My hair is half natural with texturized ends.
Well, the smell. Even though it is said not to contain formaldehyde.. it does smell and a fan and ventillation is needed.
The directions say not to put the the keratin close to scalp. I should have followed the directions. I don't think I should have overused the amt. of product. Alittle goes a long way. Reason.... Well, excess product means excess steam, At 450degrees inwhich they require you to press you hair at.... My scalp was on fire. In fact, I have a scalp burn similar to a chemical burn. Lesson learned. Had to use alot of heat. Did not like that. The process took a long time 3 to 4 hours with 2 people. My texturized hair is straight. My newgrowth... could not be bumped very well. I had a hard time reaching that new growth. Plus I could not put the flat iron anywhere near it "STEAM". I am gonna have to ask the company. My hair looks like an 6 week old relaxer. It looks healthier than it was before. No breaking. But it looks like my roots needs to be touched up.

I am hoping it will last a month.
I am hoping If I let the keratin dry on the hair with a cool dryer then flat iron that I can get my roots better.
My friend had a small flat iron and she was able to get some of my roots. Can Maxiglide get to the roots better if your hair is short?

Anyway, thats my review.
The good: my hair is not breaking
The bad: scalp burn
The ugly: my roots
Thanks for the review delp! Doesn't seem like something I would mess hair is half natural and texturized like yours and I'm scared to put so much heat on my hair. Keep us posted!
Maybe you should have gone to a professional, especially if it was your first time. i did not have any of the problems you had when i did it and im 60 percent natural with relaxed ends. Both the BKT and the Keratina turned out great.......