Split Ender Use


Well-Known Member
I want to buy the split ender but the only time I flat iron my hair is during the bkt treatment(every 3 months). Do you think the splitender will still be effective with bkted flat ironed hair versus regular flat ironed hair? I am not worried about the last ends of my hair but moreso worried about those few strands that dont reach the ends and maybe the bkt making my hair stick together(i dont even remember but I dont think I had this problem). I hope this is not a dumb question.


New Member

I would like to know about this product as well. I have splits halfway to the root and Im half an inch away from purchasing this tool. Just want to know if anyone else has used it and did it work for you.


Well-Known Member
I want to buy the split ender but the only time I flat iron my hair is during the bkt treatment(every 3 months). Do you think the splitender will still be effective with bkted flat ironed hair versus regular flat ironed hair? I am not worried about the last ends of my hair but moreso worried about those few strands that dont reach the ends and maybe the bkt making my hair stick together(i dont even remember but I dont think I had this problem). I hope this is not a dumb question.

Trying to understand your original question:

Is there a diff between when your hair is flat ironed after BKT as compared to flat ironing it any other time?


Well-Known Member
Trying to understand your original question:

Is there a diff between when your hair is flat ironed after BKT as compared to flat ironing it any other time?

westNDNbeauty I dont really know how to explain it but I thought perhaps the BKT would interfere with the effectiveness of the splitender because it seals all the hair straight so the splitender would not be effective on any split ends on the shaft. I dont think the actual ends would be effected just any splits on the shaft. I hope this more understandable than my original gibberish:grin:


Well-Known Member
winona -- Gotcha. Actually, the Splitender does not only trim the split ends, but it trims ALL hair. The device has no way of determining what hair is split from which isn't so it gives you a mini-trim for all hairs that pass through the device.


Well-Known Member
I'm considering getting this tool as a way to self trim without cutting off too much. From what the company's website says it takes off 1/4 of an inch and I struggle with self trims. Thanks OP, I never heard of this until now.


Well-Known Member
I think I may buy this its only about ₤30 I don't think it would make a difference if the hair is BKT-ed the hair still passes through the same, and if its a serious split it would probably still lift as shown here


Well-Known Member
@chantall214 From the youtubes it looks like if you do small sections it would be perfect. Check out the youtubes in this thread:)

thank you...i know for a fact that my ends are horrible so i need something to fix that and i dont trust myself cutting my own hair...last time i did it wasnt pretty and the last time i had a trim was in january by my bro's ex-girlfriend and since they are not exactly on good terms i cant really ask her to do it lol! my very ends are breaking all the time because of the splits that i have.