Sta Sof Fro is DA BOMB


Well-Known Member
I'm natural and i have used several products in an attempt to make my hair soft. After washing, deep-conditioning, I add a leave-in conditioner and then i have to add so many products, (woc gel, avocado butter, barry fletcher liquid moisture) and two or three days later when i take my hair down it is still very dry. I had a little bit of sta sof fro and i randomly sectioned my hair and put some of the sta sof fro on my hair (i purchased the one in the tube opposed to the spray) and my hair immediately responded and i had moist hair. It was sooooooo soft and moist. I couldn't believe it. Now granted, perhaps the sta sof fro binded with the other products i had in my hair (water-binding humuctants that attract moisture) but nonetheless it was soft. I'm going to try just using the sta sof fro and nothing else this weekend when i wash to see if it still delivers moist, soft hair. I was impressed. Just wanted to share.
I use Sta SOf Fro spray on me and my daughter's hair too. It's great for providing moisture. I think it would work exceptionally well with the avocado butter (which I also love).