Straight Roots on Short Hair


New Member
Hello again!

I watched all of Macherieamour's tutorials. They all make so much sense! However, does blowing out roots work for ppl w/ short hair? I tried it on my hair last night, and it didnt really work. It just relaxed the curl on my roller-set. My roots are still puffy (yet moisturized), how can I get the sleek straight look? Is there a short hair alternative to blowing my roots out?:)
how about just trying to flat iron your roots out? this could be an option... your hair in your avatar looks so healthy by the way!
InnerSoul said:
how about just trying to flat iron your roots out? this could be an option... your hair in your avatar looks so healthy by the way!

Thank you so much!!! I feel like i'm ruining my hair by using a flat iron b/c my hair is short in the back (layers). WHen I do the back I end up running the iron through my whole length. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and use a heat protectant?
heat protectants are always a must when using heating tools;) When I decide to use my curling iron.. I have used Chi Silk infusion's a great heat protectant for me!:) or maybe you could just limit the flat iron use... I know it's hard though!!
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