Strength or Elasticity


New Member
When it comes to your hair's condition,would you rather have hair that bounces back or hard that's hard to may sound like its almost the same thing but i dont think so...I just yanked a piece of hair from my scalp(not purposely) and I wanted to check it, so I grabbed the root and the end and pulled it, it didnt spring back into place, but i had to pull it several times for it to actually once again my question...

Is stregth and elasticity the same/related? If no, which would you rather have?


New Member
I think I'd rather have the elasticity...

My hair is really fine, so I don't know if it's even possible to have fine strands of hair that are very strong...


New Member
I have both now that I take better care of my hair. If my hair was damaged it would have neither. So I really can't answer the question LOL