Stretchers- I have a question for you


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I have been on my longest stretch yet(about 16 wks) and I think I am coming towards the end. I have been experiencing a little breakage every other wash/ dc. I wash /dc about 2x a week. I don't really want to relax just yet, but I don't want to lose any progress. My question is how many times did you wash before you decided enough was enough? Does anyone have any other methods to stop the breakage? My hair is pretty protein sensitive. Also in case this helps here's my regi. TIA:yep:

Prepoo- about 30mins to hour w/vatika oil or coconut oil/light protein cond.
Shampoo-w/Con green or Keracare
Deep Con- w/ Redken Real Control.

Eta: I have started taking garlic supps for my shedding. Also I should prob. add I am having more of a shedding issue vs breakage.
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If i washed once and saw breakage and deep conditioned with my next wash and still saw breakage .. that would be my last wash before I relax... I dont play around with the whole demarcation line thing... you would end up with thin .. not so cute hair
When you get to the point that you can't do anything to it without getting breakage, knots, etc... then it might be time to end the stretch. If all you are getting are tangle that take a whole day to get out then yeah :lol:

Have you tried applying your conditioner with a applicator brush so you can really make sure you get it on the line of demarcation?
If i washed once and saw breakage and deep conditioned with my next wash and still saw breakage .. that would be my last wash before I relax... I dont play around with the whole demarcation line thing... you would end up with thin .. not so cute hair

You're right. I may just go ahead and relax this weekend. I just really don't want to :babyg::whyme:
The last time I relaxed was around the 12 week mark and I don't have a number of washes that I can refer to, but as this stage of the game I am usually doing a lot of braid-outs and flexirod sets and my crown area is a weird texture that likes be dry and brittle, when I find that with each wash that patch is breaking and difficult to maintain then I know that it is truly time to relax.
When you get to the point that you can't do anything to it without getting breakage, knots, etc... then it might be time to end the stretch. If all you are getting are tangle that take a whole day to get out then yeah :lol:

Have you tried applying your conditioner with a applicator brush so you can really make sure you get it on the line of demarcation?

I just started this technique this past week. It seems to have helped quite a bit. I also noticed I can't airdry in a bun anymore. When I do- I have quite a bit of knots and tangles. Yesterday I let it partially airdry and then did a braidout, it made a Huge difference