Stretching Natural hair without heat??


New Member
Just wondering if anyone knows how? My sisters hair is natural and it has been for years but it continues to break. It's starting to be healthier now, however I would like to help her to eliminate heat from her regimen. She has 4/a hair that is about 5-7 inches long when pressed. Please help.

Thanks in advance.
braid unbraid brush thats probably the closest she will get to the look of
a blowout with out heat. some do banding but i have never tried that
or she can do the trusty braid/twist out
Maybe after she washes it, she can brush it (gently) into a cute ponytail (and braid the end of it). You know, put some leave-in conditioner in it and brush it through to get that smooth, wavy look. Then sleep with a satin scarf tied tightly on it. This should flatten out the part that's laying against her scalp. Or she can braid it all up while it's damp and has leave-in conditioner in it and sleep with the satin scarf. Then wear a braid out the next day. I don't know how to get it any straighter without heat.
I spritz my hair with a conditioning hair/scalp spray at night, pull it into 2 low ponytails using satin scrunchies and tie with a silk scarf. Stretches my hair with great results (in the morning all I have to do is take off scrunchies and finger style).