Suggestions needed for dry, flaky scalp!


New Member
Two weeks ago my hair stylist gave me a Mizani touch-up (only my second time using this product)and since then I have started to notice a problem with dry scalp and flakes. I have not experienced this with other relaxers. I can wash my hair on Monday and have flakes by Thursday. I use a combination of peppermint, tea tree, and castor oils on my scalp. I have been doing trial and error to see what I have changed about my hair routine that may have bought about this scalp dryness and so far the new relaxer seems to be the culprit. I should also mention that I suffer from allergies and was diagnosed two years ago with eczema and was given a medicated shampoo that worked but then the problem went away ( I was wearing dreadlocs at that time). I went online and read that chemicals found in relaxers can irritate the scalp. Any suggestions on how to deal with this problem (I will be changing relaxers)?
You probably allergic to sulfates in shampoo I have eczema too and I have to use sulfate free shamppo. It's not the relaxer its the sulfates. when I stopped using sulfate my scalp did a 180 trust me on this. And I believe biotin helped me too. you can use oils on you scalp like that remember oils to not moisturize they seal. Putting oil on you scalp only makes sit worse. Try organix shampoo HTH
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Thanks for the advice. Could you please recommend some sulfate-free shampoos and tell me what HTH stands for.
My grandmother has a dry, flaky scalp. A few days ago I bought the Sally's generic version of Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo for her. She said it's the first shampoo she has used that doesn't make her scalp feel like it's burning. She had been using a medicated shampoo that her dermatologist prescribed, but it did not help at all. After she used the tea tree shampoo she said she can't wait to wash her hair again.
Tanisha thanks for the great shampoo link! I will look into Organix and also some type of tea tree shampoo. Thanks Elizabeth. I too have heard great things about tea tree shampoo and will try it.
I use to have a dry flaky scalp too (really bad), but I noticed that since I stopped using shampoos all together back in April my scalp has never looked better. I co-wash a few times a week and mix a little baking soda with my HE Hello Hydration to remove build up sometimes (I'm not consistent, only when my hair feels filmy). It's been working so far.

Oh and my no shampoo reggie has improved the look, feel, hydration issues I use to have with my hair.
I started doing Apple Cider Vinegar rinses on EVERY wash and it has cut down my dandruff tremendously. I haven't had a bout with flakes in a long time since doing this.

Also Co-washing has helped to eliminate that dry scalp.

When i used shampoo and was blowdrying my hair, you could see the flakes everywhere after JUST washing my hair.

Also using Qhemet Biologic Amla Oil Nourishing Pomade on my scalp has helped too.