Texlaxed to Bone Straight


Active Member
Has anyone had damaged hair going from Texlaxed to Bone-Straight hair? I'd like know procedures and products used during relaxing and the after treatment to prevent breakage. And if it worked well? Thanks alot indvance


Active Member
i was natural then texlaxed then tried to go bone straight (key word try cause my hair is tough :lol:) the transition was bad bad bad my hair was breaking all over the place, so i kept cutting it and cutting it then i braided it up for like 2 months and everything stabilized.


New Member
Since Texlaxing is basically under-processing, you might find more info under corrective relaxers. I would not do it myself, I would have a "good" stylist do a corrective relaxer to avoid over processing and possibly severe breakage.


New Member
In the 90s, I was texlaxed and didn't know it :lol:. Living in FL, I would see other relaxed ladies with straight hair on humid days, but mine always looked frizzy... So I simply decided to leave my relaxer on the newgrowth for 20-21 minutes, instead of my usual 13 minutes. So I never went back to correct the underprocessed hair,... looking back I probably should have. But anyway, overall I have less breakage now than I did when I was texlaxed.

Luscious Locks

New Member
My hair has been so much better since going from texlaxed to bone straight. There really is nothing wrong with relaxing bone straight if you take care of your hair. I can tell from the brands that you listed in your sig, OP, that you care for your hair. Here is a list of things that have helped me reduce breakage to a bare minimum.

1. Relaxing bone straight, but not for the full processing time. Let me explain: I use Phytospecific Relaxer index 2. It does a fantastic job of relaxing--almost too fantastic. I had been using it to texlax, and washing out at the 15-16 minute mark. The texture left in my hair caused such breakage when I tried to comb my hair. Even with the widest of combs on conditioner soaked strands. It was bad. With bone straight hair the comb glides right through my hair.

2. Regular pre-shampoo treatments. This has saved my hair for sure. Any pre-shampoo treatment is a good one. I've used Queen Helene Cholesterol (it's just $2.99), Africa's Best Oil ($2), Unrefined Coconut Oil, and Doo Grow Thickening Oil ($7), and Phyto Huile D'Ales ($28). ALL of these treatments yielded the same results. Easy to detangle hair with little to no breakage all throughout the washing process and the 4 days to 1 week following the wash. I will never go without a prepoo treatment again. It's say to definately get the coconut oil because the detangling ability (even after 2 washes with a chelating/clarifying poo) was so slippery. You'll love it. And your hair will love you. I also think that Doo Grow Thickening Oil (the one without mineral oil) is a great dupe for the Phyto Huile D'Ales. They both have oat protein high on the ingredients list to help strenghten and thicken the hair. Follow with a moisturizing poo and conditioner.

3. Moisturize daily or as needed.