The ABC of weave... Help a sista out


Well-Known Member

I have apl lenth hair would like to get a weave. I am bored with my hair and feel it would benefit from a much need break. I am trying not to just cut it off. I would love a short hairstyle so I feel a weave could give me the best of both worlds.
I have never had a weave before. I know that I do not want tracks glues it and that I would like my hair to be braided and the tracks sew in. Now this is the extent of my weave knowledge. A couple of questions:

How long can you leave a weave in?
How do you take care of your hair?
Can you actually wash your hair while the weave is in?
How do you prevent your hair from being damaged?
How many weeks post relaxer should you be before having the weave sew in?
How do you take the weave out?
How long after the weave is out should you relaxer? or should you do a protein treatment first then relax?

Any other advice you can throw in will be appreciated. Who does a good weave in NYC?

Hi MissVee!

I'll try to answer some of your questions, but I sugguest you do a search for the "weave challenge thread" that will answer most your answer much better.

How long can you leave a weave in?
4-6 weeks max, leaving in too long can be damaging

How do you take care of your hair?
check our the crown and glory website for her tips on growing out your hair using a weave

Can you actually wash your hair while the weave is in?
depends on the type of hair you use, but for most the answer is yes

How do you prevent your hair from being damaged?
keep your hair underneath moisturized and conditioned

How many weeks post relaxer should you be before having the weave sew in?
NA, I'm natural

How do you take the weave out?
If you've never had a weave before, you may want to go to salon for the installtion and removal.

How long after the weave is out should you relaxer? or should you do a protein treatment first then relax?
NA, I'm natural

Good luck, CD :yawn:
How long can you leave a weave in? Up to 12 weeks. Depending on how well you take care of it, how the hair holds up, what your hair is like, etc. Most people don't go that long but it can be done. Since this is your first time, I would say 6 weeks. 8 weeks at the most.

How do you take care of your hair? I wash, DC, and airdry mines once a week. Be sure to keep your hair moisturized underneath. I used braid spray. Some people use oil, grease, etc.
Can you actually wash your hair while the weave is in? Yes.

How do you prevent your hair from being damaged? By keeping it moisturized and making sure the weave is not too tight.
How many weeks post relaxer should you be before having the weave sew in? I would say 1-2 weeks.

How do you take the weave out? Cut the thread and the weft of hair will come out. Then take your cornrows out.

How long after the weave is out should you relaxer? or should you do a protein treatment first then relax? I've read that you should give your hair a week to rest before you weave it back up. You can do a protein treatment when you take it out. I'm not relaxed anymore so I don't do protein treatments. I do DC then though.

Any other advice you can throw in will be appreciated. Who does a good weave in NYC? I'm in Bmore, so I can't help in that regard. Let us know how it turns out...