The best all natural conditioner for Wash & Goes

I am glad it worked for you. That stuff has a scent that made me want to hurl. I added some Indian powders to it and the smell is still too much for my sensitive nose.
Your hair is simply gorgeous. I'm subscribing so I can try this once I come out of hair-bernation. Are you sure you're a 4a? Bcuz I think that I am and I can't imagine my hair looking like that. When I brush with the denman I get that silky texture and shine but I know I would have serious shrinkage. Enty-way thanks so much for the post but shame on you for having me go out and purchase another product LOL!
Its curls like yours that REALLY makes me want to chop off my relaxed ends so my curls can CURL!

So very pretty.
Your hair looks great!

Through the yrs I have heard of quite a few curlies talk positively about natures gate conditioners.
Hi ladies,

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I went to work with after my hair had dried, and it still remained really silky ..I get a lot of shrinkage no matter what products i use, the difference with this is that my hair was so defined. Yeah i am 4a maybe 4b in the middle. but i can manipulate my hair sometimes to where it can look in the 3's. Overall i thought it was pretty good conditioner for te price, blew my exceptions. Since i having my baby, I have become completely vegan and starting trying to use all natural products. So Im going to start testing different all natural brands to see how they turn out. Thanks everyone for the compliments
Sorry, I didnt have any pictures of my hair, after i got home for work, but i will prob be doing a wash and go later on this week, and i'll show some b4 and after, wet and dry pics
Very Pretty. I'm around a 4A and get similar results with KCC but never wear wash and go's mostly becuase it's to cold. If I can get the same look for cheaper I'm willing to try it. Would love to try w & g's this summer. Please post or describe your hair after it dried/throughout the day for us when you get some time. Would love to see your before hair as well.

Im going to do it again, and post some pics in my fotki, I'll send you a pm, when its finished.
I tried nature's gate jojoba this weekend after my DC and wash as my rinse out. It was very nice...similar to trader joe's nourish spa. Thanks for sharing.