4 months. Last relaxer 1/31/09 I braided it up 8 weeks left those in 2 months, frustrated after a few days then BC'ed the next week. I thought I could transition longer but the two textures irked me.
Hello Everyone,
Thank you SO MUCH for responding. I am still holding on, but not sure how much longer I can do it. I do feel I will be in shock if I just cut it, but I also feel that I will end up loving it when I no longer have the 2 textures. I also have to find someone to cut it for me, don't think I should do it myself. Good Luck Everyone!!

No hurry, take your time, my stomach lurched at every scissor snip the braider made. I'm glad I waited as long as I did because the 15 months of waiting helped me product search, research the care and styles for natural hair, read and view different Big Chop stories/videos, use different products until I found what makes my hair happy. I am into day 3 of my new chop and twists , still thrilled-can hardly wait to see the bug :eek:eyes of workmates who have seen nothing but a myriad of wigs on me for the last 2 years. I DO NOT LOOK FORWARD TO ALL THE :stop:HANDSLAPPING OF TOUCHERS.
I have really been debating. Did you cut it yourself?

CUT IT GIRL!!! Lol!! I was in your exact same position 2 days ago. It has been 6.5 months since my last relaxer (12/03/08). My relaxed ends were a stringy, terrible mess!! No matter how gentle I tried to be, they just kept breaking. I decided to BC yesterday and I am SO HAPPY I did! I feel so free and I don't even mind the short length. If you feel inclined, I say do it!!

More pics are in my fotki if you are interested. (Note: She ended up cutting off way more than she needed to so you will likely have more hair).
I am trying to hold on, but not sure how much longer I can deal with the 2 textures.

No hurry, take your time, my stomach lurched at every scissor snip the braider made. I'm glad I waited as long as I did because the 15 months of waiting helped me product search, research the care and styles for natural hair, read and view different Big Chop stories/videos, use different products until I found what makes my hair happy. I am into day 3 of my new chop and twists , still thrilled-can hardly wait to see the bug :eek:eyes of workmates who have seen nothing but a myriad of wigs on me for the last 2 years. I DO NOT LOOK FORWARD TO ALL THE :stop:HANDSLAPPING OF TOUCHERS.
I transitioned for 13 months. I could not take the two textures. I was in shock at first but I am loving my hair. You get to experiment and see what works best. Do it when you are ready.
Yeah, it will definitely get me to do something to my hair, don't do much at all. Lately, I have just been washing, blowdrying and putting it into a ponytail. The relaxed ends look horrible.

I transitioned for 13 months. I could not take the two textures. I was in shock at first but I am loving my hair. You get to experiment and see what works best. Do it when you are ready.
You will definitely know when it's time. You will have your mind completely wrapped around it and you will do it!

It has been 2.5 years that I have been transitioning and in the past 3 weeks, I have found myself snipping relaxed ends here and there. (I've been wearing a wash n' go ponytail and haven't straightened in about a month so I haven't felt the shock of the shorter hair). I still have quite a few relaxed ends, but the fact that I have started doing it myself just tells me that I am nearing that time. (or either I am trying to lessen the blow for when I go to the salon so I won't have a heart attack at seeing a pile of hair on the floor:grin:)

Fortunately for me, the two textures don't pose a problem with combing, but they DO pose a problem when styling. My relaxed ends ruin whatever wash n' go I think I may have (with all my hair down).

So I say all that to say that when you are ready, you won't have to ask anyone; you will find yourself either chopping it off yourself or either getting yourself to the nearest salon as fast as you can.

Good luck in whatever you decide (and make sure to post pics!!)

DSCF2338.jpgI did The Big Chop Aug. 9, 2009 and growing my hair back seems to be a slow moving process. Any suggestions? Braids maybe. Also my hair is very dry I wash it about 3 times a week and co-wash everyday in order to loosen my curls I need help LOL! I think I'm doing something wrong
My original plan was to BC on my birthday which would have been 9 months post relaxer. I ended up losing patience quick and BCed at 5 months post.