The Fours S's.


Well-Known Member
Here are four "S's" that will help you slow down the pace and develop a lingering heart: slowing, silence, solitude and Sabbath.

Slowing down: Cultivate patience by deliberately placing yourself in situations where you simply have to wait.
Silence: Take time to be still and experience God's presence.
Solitude: Set aside regular "alone" times for yourself.
Sabbath: God has provided us with a day of rest. Let's enjoy it. Use it as a time to get a proper perspective.
Learn to linger!​
This is soo good! I'm especially bad about not slowing down and no personal solitude:ohwell:. I'm so bad until I am actually in the process of scheduling some time to just be silent on my calendar right now!!! It is so important to be balanced in all things. I am not balanced in this area at all.