Thinning crown! Please help!


Well-Known Member
I have been wearing my hair in twists outs for a few days. Yesterday I took my mirror and looked at my hair from the top (not sure why) and I noticed that I can see my scalp...ALOT! It looks as if a bald spot is forming. I have never noticed this before. I need some advice as to how to fix this and thicken up my hair again. I mostly wear twists and box braids with my own hair. I hardly brush my hair. I don't know how this happened. I welcome any suggestions. Thanks a bunch!
one thing that contributed to my hair breaking last year was stress.

if your regimen is on point, it may be factors separate from your hair care.
Yes I have been under a mountain of stress lately but I figured my hair would fall out all over instead of one spot. I need to work on lowering my stress levels.