To the Ladies in the UK - Organix now available in Boots

Superfly Sister

Well-Known Member
Hi,everyone! I hope everyone is well, just posting to give you a heads up on this since I've seen it mentioned here a considerable amount of times.

I was browsing in Boots the Chemist this lunchtime and too my surprise I found a range of Organix products on the shelf! From what I can tell only the shampoos and conditioners are available in the following

Coconut Milk
Vanilla Silk
Tea Tree Mint
Pomegranete Green Tea

(perhaps more of a range is available in larger stores eg London?)

They all smell lush I have to say. Once I'm done with my current shampoos and conditioners I'm going to try this.
Thnks for that. I wanna try the Coconut, Vanilla and Tea Tree ones! Sounds interesting... plus I can collect some more points :giggle:.
oh yeah when i went westfield shopping centre i saw it there
for me it was fairly blah didn't really do much but i only used it once i can't say.
i've used product before and the first time i used it -it was just ok bu the 2nd time it was great.

oh westfield is in west london but i haven't seen organix in any other boots
maybe it is only the big boots
I really love the Vanilla Condish for co-washing. I havent tried the other ones...not a big fan of the coconut smell :ohwell:
well, i have a cupboard full of conditioner, so i guess buy the time i find it over here, the cupboard will be empty....mmmm rite :giggle: