V05 or Suave for creme rinse


Well-Known Member
I have a bunch of different V05's and Suave conditioners that I bought for co-washing but I don't want to co-wash anymore. What about using them for creme rinses? Does anyone do this? Or mixing them with oils to make them more of a deep conditioner? Any info would help!
I'm using the term creme rinse to refer to the step after deep conditioning but before roller setting,twisting or blow drying. A better term than creme rinse is detangler, perhaps? So, it's not similar to a co-wash at all.
Yes for me a creme rinse for example aubrey bga or green tea creme rinses are like rinse out conditioners BUT more watery... Usually for hair that can get oily on the scalp with normal conditioners.
Now to answer the question I use vo5 as my rinse out conditioner or deep conditioner when in a pinch. If you want it as a creme rinse just dilute the vo5 with water and if you like avg add that. For Suave I'd say a deep conditioner by adding evco and any of your favorite oils, honey, avocado, or whatever you like. I don't fool with suave because while it does detangle amazingly it makes me shed something horrible.
Vo5, mayo, evoo, and wheat germ is my favorite deep conditioner when in a pinch.
Creme rinse isn't a cowash because its thinner and the goal is to moisturize the hair not cleanse the scalp.