Venerable Fulton J. Sheen


Well-Known Member
The recent mention of Archbishop Sheen has got me reading his quotes and watching his "Life is Worth Living" show on YouTube.

Fulton Sheen was born in El Paso (1895) and died in New York (1979). He was the Archbishop of New York.


He was one of the most phenomenal preachers and evangelizers of the 20th Century, and many even credit him as being the "first televangelist." In addition to his many sermons and books, he also had a television show called "Life is Worth Living" and actually won an Emmy for it!

He was very charismatic, humble, humorous, and pious.

He is currently honored as "Venerable" in the Catholic Church, and is well on his way to being declared a Saint :yep:.

Some of my favorite Fulton J. Sheen Quotes:

“Why are those who are notoriously undisciplined and unmoral also most contemptuous of religion and morality? They are trying to solace their own unhappy lives by pulling the happy down to their own abysmal depths.”

“Hearing nuns' confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn.”

“Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.”

“There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”

“If you don't behave as you believe, you will end by believing as you behave.”

“Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self-commendation. We think we make the picture hang straight on our wall by telling our neighbors that all his pictures are crooked.”

“You must remember to love people and use things, rather than to love things and use people.”

“Any book which inspires us to lead a better life is a good book.”

“To tell a woman who is forty, "You look like sixteen," is boloney. The blarney way of saying it is "Tell me how old you are, I should like to know at what age women are the most beautiful.”

“Books are the most wonderful friends in the world. When you meet them and pick them up, they are always ready to give you a few ideas. When you put them down, they never get mad; when you take them up again, they seem to enrich you all the more.”

“When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.”

“Far better it is for you to say: "I am a sinner," than to say: "I have no need of religion." The empty can be filled, but the self-intoxicated have no room for God.”

“Once you have surrendered yourself, you make yourself receptive. In receiving from God, you are perfected and completed.”

“Love is a mutual self-giving which ends in self-recovery.”

“Never forget that there are only two philosophies to rule your life: the one of the cross, which starts with the fast and ends with the feast. The other of Satan, which starts with the feast and ends with the headache.”

“A woman gets angry when a man denies his faults, because she knew them all along. His lying mocks her affection; it is the deceit that angers her more than the faults.”

“Too many people get credit for being good, when they are only being passive. They are too often praised for being broadminded when they are so broadminded they can never make up their minds about anything.”

“Because God is full of life, I imagine each morning Almighty God says to the sun, "Do it again"; and every evening to the moon and the stars, "Do it again"; and every springtime to the daisies, "Do it again"; and every time a child is born into the world asking for curtain call, that the heart of the God might once more ring out in the heart of the babe.”

“When a child is given to his parents, a crown is made for that child in Heaven, and woe to the parents who raise a child without consciousness of that eternal crown!”

“The principle of democracy is a recognition of the sovereign, inalienable rights of man as a gift from God, the Source of law.”
Thanks for posting! I'm working my way through 2 of his books and he was a deep thinker. It's not hard reading but it's not easy because every line is worth some reflection. :yep: I look forward to looking at those videos you posted.
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I will definitely check out his sermons. He was recommended to me several times. Youtube is a wondrous thing!
He's actually quite humorous in his writing as well. I found myself chucking at some of his statements. I swear, I highlighted one whole page on my Kindle. This book has really given me new insight into marriage. My sponsor gave me Life of Christ but I haven't started reading it. Look forward to getting to that soon!
Love this quote here:

“When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.”