Video Tutorial: Low Manipulation Curly 'Fro & How to Maintain...


Well-Known Member
Video Tutorial: Low Manipulation Curly 'Fro & How to Maintain

I often get the question of "what is the difference between a Twist n' Curl and Braid n' Curl?"

Simply put, a Twist n' Curl (Thank you Curly Nikki) takes less time and results in immediate big hair. The only down side I have experienced is that the style does not last as long. A Braid n' Curl takes a little more time to complete. The the hair gradually increases in volume as the style gets older and it lasts much longer.

I compiled a tutorial on both styles and an additional visual of how I am able to maintain either of these styles for at least 5 days each. NO RE-TWISTING. NO MANIPULATION. PERIOD.



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NYE side boob.
gorgeous hair and you're so pretty!
i've tried both styles AND used your method of maintaining and i can def attest that it works. :yep:


Well-Known Member
I have tried both and you're probably right. I like the twist n' curl because its easier to do and gives me fullness right away. The braid n' curl I tried - just because of you and I like it but had to frizz my roots a little to get more fullness - also it takes longer to unravel. I like them both though. Can't wait to try your maintenance idea. Thanks for the thread - you're the best.


NYE side boob.
Thanks Rocky91

Would you also describe the differences in the two as how I described or is it a little different on your hair?
hmmm...i would agree. but honestly, after all the fluffing that i do, it doesn't even matter. i can't wear it quite so defined since my hair is shorter than yours.
here's my twist and curl:

and here's my braid and curl, my old hair color:

so i guess it doesn't really matter, since i pretty much fluff out all the definition from the braids anyways. the braid n curl does seem to give less shrinkage. kind of. :look: