Vitamin E


New Member
Where can i get vitamin E from? Someone mentioned pure vitamin E and now im wondering where i can possibly get my hands on some to add to my hair products. Or is that a stupid qustion.
Anancy said:
Where can i get vitamin E from? Someone mentioned pure vitamin E and now im wondering where i can possibly get my hands on some to add to my hair products. Or is that a stupid qustion.

Are you talking about the vitamin E gel caps? I get mine from places like walgreen's, rite aid, etc......The caps are also good for massaging the oil into your cuticles as well (after you poke a little hole in them of course)...

Is this what you're talking about or do you mean like a whole thing of vitamin E oil? I don't even know if they sell it like that, but try a Natural Vitamin Shoppe/Health Food Store.
blackbarbie said:
Are you talking about the vitamin E gel caps? I get mine from places like walgreen's, rite aid, etc......The caps are also good for massaging the oil into your cuticles as well (after you poke a little hole in them of course)...

Is this what you're talking about or do you mean like a whole thing of vitamin E oil? I don't even know if they sell it like that, but try a Natural Vitamin Shoppe/Health Food Store.

Yea that's what im wondering i guess, what forms it comes in. I had a look on the internet, i found a UK site that sells vitamins and they have the vitamin E in capsules. Im thinking of trying it to massage into my scalp or add to my conditioners etc.
The good stuff you can squeeze out of capsules or buy in a bottle at the ole health food sto' or if I'm not hallucinating at larger GNC's. I get the feeling the stuff at the BSS would be diluted or mixed with cheaper oils and the purer is usually the better, but pricier.
You can get Vitamin E from Holland and Barret.

Either the creamy version. I mix with my CON... Its the bomb.:grin:
I also use this on my skin...Clears scars very fast
The ingrediets list shows it has some nice oils in as well.

Or the 100% pure Oil

Give it a try there both great
Kizzy x
kizzylonghair said:
You can get Vitamin E from Holland and Barret.

Either the creamy version. I mix with my CON... Its the bomb.:grin:
I also use this on my skin...Clears scars very fast
The ingrediets list shows it has some nice oils in as well.

Or the 100% pure Oil

Give it a try there both great
Kizzy x

:wave: kizzylonghair,

do you mind telling me the brand name of the creamy version that you use? tia
kizzylonghair said:
You can get Vitamin E from Holland and Barret.

Either the creamy version. I mix with my CON... Its the bomb.:grin:
I also use this on my skin...Clears scars very fast
The ingrediets list shows it has some nice oils in as well.

Or the 100% pure Oil

Give it a try there both great
Kizzy x

I went to Holland and Barret today and had a look at their Vitamin E. I didn't see a creamy version (not too sure about that) but i saw the capsules and the oil. I'll definitely buy the oil when i haven't spent all my money on clothes. Thanks for that.
Fruit of the earth (fote) 100% vitamin E comes in a 1/2 fl oz vial; this is the best liquid vitamin E I have ever used. In the capsule form I love Rexall's high gamma vitamin E. I forgot to say I bought both at walmart last yr. fote has a website but I can't remember if you can order there.
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