Weave Experts - I Need Answers


Ayurvedic Life
[1] When you wash your hair under a weave, do you deep condition your cornrows under a hooded dryer? Apply leave in to rows also?

[2] When you shampoo your cornrows using an applicator bottle, do you rinse out your hair in the shower?

[3] Do you cornrow your hair using oils, or any products?

[4] What are the best ways to keep a weave fresh looking from Day 1 to Day 90?

[5] What are the best ways to detangle hair after you take out the tracks?

[6] If you oil your scalp, what products do you use? Does it make your weave oily?
1. No I do not deep condition my cornrolls period.
2. Yes its ok to rinse your hair in the shower as long as you hair(weave) can withstand water and product without becoming irrate.
3.Yes always grease my scalp or apply oil prior to braiding this is when you have the most access to your scalp. ( dont wnat the scalp to start off dry.. i usaully keep weaves in a minimum 2 months)
4. Always buy expensive hair!! ( i recommend brazilian very low maintenancee always looks great.) Cheap hair will get you no where!-Naturally looks fresh on its own.
5. Depending on your hair type everyones method could be slightly different follow what works best for you now..just make sure its a wide tooth comb.
6. I used to oil my scalp I stopped for 2 reasons 1. When it's hot the oil gets really runny and becomes a mess and 2. Yes that means oily hair that you have to wash at least every other day or every day because shiny weaves look AWFUL!!!!!!!!
[1] When you wash your hair under a weave, do you deep condition your cornrows under a hooded dryer? Apply leave in to rows also?
Yes and yes

[2] When you shampoo your cornrows using an applicator bottle, do you rinse out your hair in the shower? Yes and yes

[3] Do you cornrow your hair using oils, or any products? My stylist uses A light leave in.

[4] What are the best ways to keep a weave fresh looking from Day 1 to Day 90? Wear a scarf at night

[5] What are the best ways to detangle hair after you take out the tracks? Do not wet your hair AT ALL UNTIL ALL THE SHED HAIR IS REMOVED. if you ignore this you will get a matter mess. My stylist applies oils and a cream based moisturizer and detangles gently to remove all shed hair.

[6] If you oil your scalp, what products do you use? Does it make your weave oily?
I use a water based spritz once a week or so. My hair likes chi keratin mist. It is a protein. My hair loves protein. Shea moisture mist holding spray is a light non oily spritz if your hair likes moisture. I do not use oils really that much except maybe sometimes I will oil my braids the night before wash day to give them a little treat.
[1] When you wash your hair under a weave, do you deep condition your cornrows under a hooded dryer? Apply leave in to rows also?

No to the deep conditioner, yes to the leave in....reason behind it is that a deep conditioner tends to be thicker than a leave in and because your hair is braided you won't be able to rinse your hair completely clean which will lead to buildup.

[2] When you shampoo your cornrows using an applicator bottle, do you rinse out your hair in the shower?

Yes. I also refill the bottle up with just water to squeeze directly on the braids.

[3] Do you cornrow your hair using oils, or any products?

Just oil for the scalp and moisturizer for my hair to the braids are smooth. it helps me braid easier and keeps my scalp from getting too itchy.

[4] What are the best ways to keep a weave fresh looking from Day 1 to Day 90?

Washing the hair! I can't tell you the countless amount of women that I have seen go months without washing their extensions. Besides that, making sure to tie up your hair at night helps a lot.

[5] What are the best ways to detangle hair after you take out the tracks?

Start in large sections and break them down...I start by finger detangling first so that I make sure to get the shed hair out before I get in the shower, then I dampen my hair with a water/ conditioner mix and use a wide toothed comb.

[6] If you oil your scalp, what products do you use? Does it make your weave oily?

I use either grapeseed, coconut, or sweet almond oil to lightly oil my scalp. It doesn't make the extentions oily at all because I use a color bottle w/ a nozzle for this too. I also only oil my scalp after a wash so about once a week.

Hope this helps :grin: