What do you use to hold your twists in?


Active Member
I've been playing in my hair lately and noticed that I can do some twists now without them trying to unravel before I'm done twisting. So when you do twists in the front of your hair, what do you ladies use? I know some use rubberbands, but I refuse to put rubberbands in my head again. Did it as a relaxed head and they hurt, warranted they were kinda tight back then. But then tried it again a lil looser and they were fine, but I still don't want to put rubberbands in my hair now. I want to be able to wear it both with or without a scarf/headband. I've been on the lookout for the smallest lil baby ponytail holders and no luck finding any anywhere. Any other suggestions? TIA!
Okay maybe I wasn't too clear on what I was looking for. I'm looking for something I can put on my twists in the place of using rubberbands.

You know how some will wear twists in the front, and the back picked out? Well the twists in the front are usually held with rubberbands from what I've seen, and I'm looking for a replacement instead of using rubberbands.

There's NO way my twists will hold by themselves even with using gels.:lachen::lachen:Haven't reached that level just yet.:lol:
If you're talking about two strand twists, my hair hold with no extra products. If I'm twisting wet, I seal in the moisture with oil, and twist away.

If you're talking about flat twists going back, and leaving the ends out so it blends with the back of your head which is also out, I do one of two things. I either use click clacks,


or mini claw clips. One for each twist

If you're talking about two strand twists, my hair hold with no extra products. If I'm twisting wet, I seal in the moisture with oil, and twist away.

If you're talking about flat twists going back, and leaving the ends out so it blends with the back of your head which is also out, I do one of two things. I either use click clacks,


or mini claw clips. One for each twist


OMGosh!! Yes the flat twists going back and back left out is what I was wanting!!! And the pics just perfect!! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!! LOL!!! I got some click-clacks, heck didn't even know what those things were called, I called them Benders LOL!! Hey you do gotta bend 'em yanno:lachen::lachen:
No bigger than a thumbnail???? Hmmm, those I have NEVER seen before if they're THAT small. I sure could use some of those too! Thanks!!