What else can you do to your hair at night?


New Member
Besides wrapping. I don't really like to wrap my hair. I think it's a headache. What else can I do besides wrapping?

Could I just wear it in a loose ponytail and then sleep with a satin scarf?
If I know I'm going to wash/co-wash in the morning, I just throw on my satin cap and head to bed. Sometimes I do an overnight baggy. However, if I'm wearing a wash-n-press from the salon, I will lightly moisturize and wrap every night. I usually do this for two weeks before I break down and co-wash again.
Besides wrapping. I don't really like to wrap my hair. I think it's a headache. What else can I do besides wrapping?

Could I just wear it in a loose ponytail and then sleep with a satin scarf?

When my hair was APL in high school, I used to do a ponytail at the top of my head. I would curl the ends, and tie my hair up.

In the morning, my hair would fall down to an array of curls.

Will my hair still grow if I do this?

What does whether or not you wrap your hair have to with it growing? Even when I don't wrap my hair it grows.
I just put it in a loose bun, and put a satin scarf on top, but i make sure the hair band is over the satin scarf if that makes sense. It also gives a wave to the hair in the morning.