What in the world is Tea Tree? ????????



It seems like every product these days has tea tree this and tea tree that. Intially I thought the Tea Tree in Shampoo would give me a tingle... NOT
. Then I notice tea tree oil, tea tree lotion, tea tree poo. tea tree conditioner. Geez Louise...
What in the world is TEA TREE.
Does anyone know the answer or do I need a magic wand to get some attention here... HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know what it is, but I am sure if you do a search on the web or here u will find sumthing
Tea Tree oil is an herbal antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial oil. Its used in a lot of medicinal hair products to control itch and dandruff. It has a kind of strong pine/wood like smell. Its also kind of drying when used full strength so if you get the actual oil its best to dilute it. Works great for drying up pimples too, if you can get past the smell.
It comes from Australia and like Digital rain said it has a lot of antiseptic properties.

If you want tingle try Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo.

Not all products with it in are going to give good results cos it depends how much is in there.
Im not really a big fan as far as hair stuff but it works great for spots, nail fungus and Dr bronners tea tree liquid soap is fantastic.
Thanks Digital and Buffalo. Hummm, This is something I should stop using then if it has a drying effect. I need lost of moisture my hair is always quite dry. I just wanted something with a tingle. I got a shampoo at the salon once and she used something that was so soothing and tingly. It's a professional only product so I can't find it.
buffalosoldier said:
It comes from Australia and like Digital rain said it has a lot of antiseptic properties.

If you want tingle try Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo.

Not all products with it in are going to give good results cos it depends how much is in there.
Im not really a big fan as far as hair stuff but it works great for spots, nail fungus and Dr bronners tea tree liquid soap is fantastic.

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I agree if you want tingle use the Paul Mitchell, I've used it and its great. Lots of tingle and it has a great smell.
Hey Ar and Ms Ke,

I found this poo called Austrailan Tea Tree Shampoo and body bath (didn't realize it was body bath until I got home). Nonetheless, I used it and it didn't lather much. I think it's a July miss. I had to use half the bottle to get some suds. Geez Louise. I will probably finish it but where can I get some Paul Mitchell Shampoo. Is there a particular type that gives the tingle.