What Makes an Ideal Candidate for Your "Hair Inspirations?"

I'm mostly inspired by rags to the riches story.
Since I started off with JACKED up broken off short hair it truly inspires me to see people that were able to turn it turn it around.:)
Secondly people that have a similar hair type like mine and a regimen that makes sense to me... if they are bunning and limit their heat usage I'm in love.
THICKNESS is my major selling point when it comes to hair.I'am just in LOVE with thick hair.
However my idol's are not limited to thick haired ladies... I also have a few fine-haired idols:)
I've been stalking natural fotki's for a while now and I'm truly inspired by their journey.

P.s. Detailed Regimen are also a major selling point,as well with before and after pics... I have to see how your hair looked before your journey and how you got there(products, tutorials, methods and so on)
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I like the "rags to riches" people as well. I can relate to them more b/c I've almost always had short hair up until last year when I started taking better care of it and watching it grow.
I don't care what hair type, relaxed or natural. If I see a head of hair that's beautiful and makes my pulse rate go up, lol, it dosen't matter what type. I'm not going to limit myself to learning things only from one type of hair because I've learned a whole lot from ladies of every texture and length. I am constantly being inspired by so many different types of hair.
I'm inspired mostly by naturals who start out with short fro's and grew them out to huge BAA's and who's not afraid to use heat from time to time for a periodic change of style (something I'm currently aiming for myself) :look:
Re: What Makes an Ideal Candidate for Your "Hair Inspirations?" an ideal individual would be a similiar hair type to my own, before and after photos for inspiration and someone who has a detail regime to help, alot of beautiful hair ladies show us photos of there hair and don't tell us how to get there, alot of foklks have great hair and when you send them private messages they shot you down, with that said thank you pinkskates for answering beauall my questions:) you would be my inspiration,:)

Thankyou Guesswho,
But I dont think you need much of an inspiration; your hair is beautiful!
My inspirations are the 4a/b hair types with relaxed or natural hair. I also like to view fotki's of those that have nursed their hair back to health. In addition, I like to view fotki's with the same starting point as me b/c it gives me an idea of where my hair should.
B_Phlyy said:
Overall health and thickness. Length and styles are nice, but health is more important. Now that I'm natural, I try to look for people with similar hairtypes and read about their regimen and products to see if it may help me.
ITA - I can be inspired by women with textures other than mine too. But I love it when I can relate to another woman's hair....It makes me feel like we're in this hair "struggle" together. I have a cousin with 4a relaxed hair that's tailbone length. She hasn't really been an inspiration for me though because she's pretty guarded about it. It's still gorgeous to look at though.
I think styles are the most important for me. A natural who has lots of pics of different styles she's done is very inspiring.
Hairtype: I'll stalk anyone, but I do like natural hair b/c that's what I am. But some of you relaxed ladies are also very inspiring.
Hair health:a healthy head of hair is always inspiring
And I like it when they've had a rags to riches story. LIke if they have a pic of right when they bc'd to how it is now and it's like bsl or longer:eek: . Beautiful!:D That takes work, and patience.
I don't have many, I have one natural and one relaxed. And both heads are thick and full and healthy. I think they are both at waist length. I try to follow their regimines.

*But I must say Locks I am in awe everytime I look at your siggy pics.
meaganita said:
ITA - I can be inspired by women with textures other than mine too. But I love it when I can relate to another woman's hair....It makes me feel like we're in this hair "struggle" together. I have a cousin with 4a relaxed hair that's tailbone length. She hasn't really been an inspiration for me though because she's pretty guarded about it. It's still gorgeous to look at though.

WOW!!:eek: I bet that is gorgeous.

I'm inspired my members who have very, very long hair. Healthy of course, but LONG. :yep:
My main inspiration comes from those with hair similar or identical to mine.

Since I have the hair type that has been described as how shall I put it? Well let's just say I was never told I had "good huurr":D

I like to see where they had challenges, it was short and has now grown and also what they have done to get it where it is.

I am also inspired by those with my hair type that have taken a simple or natural route with their haircare routine. They have decided somewhere along their journey that less is more and keeing it simple and integrating it with their everyday life is possible.
1. Healthy
2. A story to tell (e.g. started off damaged/short/thin and ended up healthy/long/thick)
3. Lots of different pictures and styles to compliment their hair
4. A detailed and up-to-date regimen with pictures of current products
5. History (e.g. started album or hair journey a few years ago-- this helps me find a place where "I" am at in "their" journey and feel inspired).
6. Finally, MBL Naturals are wonderful to see since that is my goal :)
MizAvalon said:
WOW!!:eek: I bet that is gorgeous.

I'm inspired my members who have very, very long hair. Healthy of course, but LONG. :yep:
It's very beautiful...She's always wearing it in protective styles. But even her high ponytails are waistlength. When she wears it down it's jaw dropping. I've never seen a dark-skinned sista with hair that long before, especially with that texture. The shortest I've seen her hair is bra-strap...The only products I've seen her use are V05, SuperGro (grease), and Dark & Lovely no-lye box relaxer. I think she washes her hair weekly and mostly air-dries...But since she's so funny about it, I can only observe...I don't really feel like I could ask her. It's like she feels like she's the only one who should have long hair. Whenever she hasn't seen me in a while and my hair has grown she says, "Is that a weave?" --This, coming from the 4a, Tailbone length, dark-chocolate sista??? Go figure...:perplexed
I definatley love the rags to riches, they are so inspiring and get you in that go all out mode where you don't miss a day taking those vitamins, and don't skip nothing in that regimen even if your press for time. I also like to see folks that had thin hair gain thickness, and just about any healthy mane, even if it's chin length as long as it's thick, shiney and healthy I'm drooling all over it.
I am inspired by anyone who went from limp short lifeless hair to long and healthly. But I gues most of my inspiration comes from 4 ab naturals who straighten from time to time and still have healthly hair.

I am back.... was on a break and I needed this thread
I like natural or relaxed heads that have a similar hair texture to mine, which is fine, dense, 4a/4b. Anyone who has shown progress over time is even better. I don't feel inspired by those that use weaves/wigs/braids because I've sworn those particular styling choices off, I prefer the bunners and rollersetters because that is how I plan to grow my hair out. My KISS ladies are automatic inspirations if they are showing progress no matter what their hair type. I also like the ladies that are creative in coming up with solutions to their own personal hair care challenges and give props to ALL who think outside the box. Now that is what is really inspiring, people who confront issues head on instead of waiting for some under-educated stylist to figure it out...