What next?!?!.....


New Member
Of course here on the forum we all have hair goals... some of us have strict or maybe not so strict regimens of cleansing, conditioning, moisturizing and trying with protective styles to retain length... but my question is what happens once you meet your hair goal? of course your regimen would continue but do you continue to wear PS's the majority of the time? and if so, what's the point of having the length if it rarely makes an appearance?

This is just a random thought, and I thought I'd ask for other opinions.


New Member
idk, prob wear it out a lil more but not at the health of my hair. I don't need my hair to be waist length. I have a goal and once I reach It i'll be happy!


Well-Known Member
My goal isn't waist lenth, hip bone length either. I think once I reach MBL I'll be content. Then I'll probably focus on cutting off little by little and allowing it to grow back to MBL until my layers are completely grown out and I have a head of thick blunt cut ends. As far as styling, I'll wear my hair out a bit more, but I actually like wearing curly pinned up styles and protective styles in general.


New Member
Once I reach my goal (MBL) I'll wear it out and then like ShyIntellect make a second goal of growing out my layers until everything is the same length.