What recent changes have you made in your hair regimen?

I started using henna on my hair (for the color and sheen) in June and I love the way my hair feels and looks. I also stopped using sulfate shampoos and conditioners with petroleum bases.
I've started incorporating Argon oil and Moroccan Oil into my regimen, and I LOVE IT! I use pure Argon Oil in my leave in and I use the Moroccan oil before flat ironing. I get soft silky shiny hair every time...even when I'm 10-12 weeks post.

I do not know how these products have affected my retention as of yet because I just started using them, and I recently got my hair cut into layers.
I've been co washing more since its warmer and trying to oil rinse once a week.
my hair has defiantly been feeling softer..not too soft yet though.:yep:
I have went back to my old routine. I got lazy. So now i'm back to my aphogee 2 min on dry hair every two weeks and my hot oil treatments every two weeks

I aslo been sealing with Castor oil every night. My hair has been so soft.
Oh no more relaxers
I recently started to moisturize often, still not daily but before moisturizing was none existence (mostly because I had no money to go on a wild moisturizer hunt.

I recently started to air dry banned verses blow drier before flat ironing because I wanted to cut down the time I actually spend in my hair (and of course the less heat the better).

I recently started co washing again, something I couldn't do when I was relaxed and transitioning because it was just to much manipulation.
Detangling my hair after pre-pooing but before shampooing.

Washing and conditioning my hair in twists. My hair shrinks when soaking we, so even washing my hair loose in sections would cause tangles, SSKs (when drying), and breakage.
Using mineral oil and cones. I was missing out on some great products just because I read that I was't supposed to use them

applying leave in and styling products in sections, defining every curl tightly curly style.

and after 4 months of bunning I am finally letting my hair out!
I have been using a comb attachment on my blow dryer instead of the just the tension method. I've been doing this because I've been wearing short wigs for the summer and when my daughter braids my hair, it gets less tangly. (I'm almost waist length and I still have about a few inches of permed ends in some sections)
Keeping my hair in mini twists during the summer has done wonders for my hair. More importantly I don't have to fight against the humidity anymore.
I've started only touching/manipulating my hair once a month. I keep up with weekly cowashes and dc's but right now I'm trying to thicken my hair and work on its overall health. Me in my hair constantly pulling seems counterproductive to me. I plan to do this for 6 months to a yr. 2 months in so far so good. :) :) :)
I've stopped using shampoo. After hearing some great advice from youtubers, I decided to try it just for the summer. I love it so far. I wash my hair with a clarifying shampoo, detangle with a cheapie, and deep condition with a moisturizing treatment. My twistouts feel more moisturized and my color damaged hair is not breaking or shedding:yep:.