What to do about bald spots?


New Member
I have a friend who has a receding hairline at 30 years old :perplexed.
She does a bang comb-over thing but honestly it looks a little weird.I promised her i would ask LHCF for some help.Should she get some root stimulator...idk?
Any suggestions to help grow her poor hair back would surely be appreciated.TIA.


Well-Known Member
Is she relaxing it? If so, maybe she should give the thinning area a break.

I haven't experienced this problem, hopefully someone who has overcome this hurdle can chime in.


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Err Umm Prior to LHCF::look: I had a Bald Spot on the Side of my Head about the size of a .50Cent Piece back in January '09, from Severe Salon Overprocessing/Chemical Damage/Improper Neturalization which resulted in about 90% of my hair falling out & breaking all the way down to the scalp.

Prior to that Major Traumatic Setback, I've always had a nice Crop of Thick, Healthy Hair.:perplexed

I stopped relaxing etc...and just kept my hair washed & DC'd and Moisturized. Got my Protein/Moisture Balance in check and also dealt with my Porosity issue since I had such Chemical Damage.

I also used Mega-Tek faithfully to that area (as well as the other patches all throughout that I suffered) Applying to Scalp Only.

By April of '09, You couldn't even tell I had that Bald Spot at All. So, for me, Mega-Tek worked wonders restoring my hair in that area.

I still use and my Hair, overall is thriving. I had absolutely no issues with Shedding. The only "problem" I would say, is dryness. However, my Hair has a tendency to be dry anyway. So, I upped my Moisturizing Treatments and My Hair has been fine.

If it is not a Hereditary Issue: I would recommend Mega-Tek or a Similiar Product.:yep:
My friend has the same issue and is seeing some good results with a product that her dermatologist prescribed. I don't know the name it but your friend may want to go to a dermatologist.


New Member
I also have very little hair on my temples. A couple of my sisters also have the same issue. I wonder if it's genetics are the methods my mother used to groom our hair. One of my sisters is married to a beautician and he said there was no hope for her temple hair growing because that area of the scalp was "dead'.

I do know that when I was pregnant with both of my kids, my hair grew on my temples. After I gave birth, the hair shed and I had bald temples again. :-(

I think will consult a dermatologist if some ladies have seen positive results from their dermatologist. Do you happen to know the name of the product that was prescribed to your friend?


New Member
Thank you so much for all the hair advice ladies.I talked to her some more and found out she has Psoriasis which more then likely adds to the problem I think.I'm going to give her some coal tar shampoo(which is stinky)but works very well.Any other suggestions are greatly welcomed.


New Member
I may have to try that...I also am beggining to see signs of thininig edges that I know are hereditary it occurs in most of the women on my mothers side. However the rest of my hair is thick and healthy. I would post some pics of my mother and my own edges but, I may not....today.