Where can I find Surge Revitalizer 14?


New Member
Good Morning & Happy Sunday!

Does anyone know where I can order Surge Revitalizer 14???:perplexed
It's not distributed by the company anymore and I would be VERY leary of purchaning any from someone who CLAIMS to have some. Even here. I say do without and try another growth aid.

I had Surge withdrawls too because it was a good product to me.
Thanks so much for the info...I was affraid of that. You are right I should be leary :sad: of getting it from just anywhere.
My beauty store here in NC has Surge & I have bought & sold it to members here. I have also used Surge for years.
I JUST went looking for this a few days ago and couldn't find it anywhere. Not even at the store that would have 2 shelves fully stocked! (This was during the Surge craze a few years ago) I'm wondering if it can be ordered online?