Who doesn't comb their hair?


Active Member
I'm thinking of not ever combing my hair just washing it every other morning and have a wash-and-go look.
I have natural 3b/c hair, my hair is hard to manage but probably due to me being lazy. When I comb it it sheds alot...so maybe not combing it would actually help me retain lenght and reach my hair goal faster...
Does anyone avoid combing their hair?
Safina87 said:
I'm thinking of not ever combing my hair just washing it every other morning and have a wash-and-go look.
I have natural 3b/c hair, my hair is hard to manage but probably due to me being lazy. When I comb it it sheds alot...so maybe not combing it would actually help me retain lenght and reach my hair goal faster...
Does anyone avoid combing their hair?

i dont comb my hair, but if i was natural, i would have it in cornrows/singles or protective styles for a week or even 2.

your hair will tangle badly if you never comb.

i comb once a week.
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PerfectDoak said:
I only finger comb my hair in the shower when it's loaded with conditioner.

i do the exact same thing! this method has drastically reduced the amount of hairs that end up in the comb and the amount of washing time!!

I comb under the shower with conditioner. Daily, I finger comb I love this look.
If you do this, when you comb out in the shower don't flip out when you see a lot of hair coming out..esp if you go to the hair dresser...they will swear your hair is in a severely damaged state. Remember all of the hair that naturally sheds daily will accumulate and come out when decide to give it a good combing.
I've stopped combing my dry hair. I only comb wet hair when I rollerset.

If I absolutely have to comb my dry hair...I only use my Jilbere shower comb.

I'm on the Grow Like a Weed Challenge.
i only ever comb my hair when its loaded with conditioner then i braid and then co-wash. i have hardly any breakage at-all.

like rabiaElaine I'm on the Grow Like a Weed Challenge.

I'm texturized with a boat load of new growth and I stopped combing. Not entirely, but I've limited it to once a week. Now I just braid it at night, rewet it in the morning with a little water, and add my fav moisturizer. Once a week, after deep conditioning, I gently detangle. Most of the time it's only shedded hairs (no broken ones). When I was detangling everyday there were plenty of broken hairs.
That's one of the first things I learned here at LHCF, to comb on wash days under the shower when rinsing my conditioner out.
I detangle once a week maybe two weeks. I use a Denman brush because it is the truth. I use a detangling lotion by Biolage which I love. I wear my hair in twists as a protective style. I want my hair to grow longer so the twists help me retain lenght.
I rarely comb my hair and when I do its like once a month. Using CON poo is the reason why I hardly comb my hair. I normally just finger comb it in the shower.
I'm currently texturized with lots of new growth. One of my friends (a natural) told me she detangles her hair by sticking her head under bath wather (not a shower). And she never combs her hair. I've been doing this once a week b4 I wash and my tangles literally fall out. B4 doing this my hair feels locked up where the new growth is, but the swishing my hair under the water seems to act like a comb. I'll try this instead of combing as long as I can. I'd definitely recommend it.
sareca said:
I'm texturized with a boat load of new growth and I stopped combing. Not entirely, but I've limited it to once a week. Now I just braid it at night, rewet it in the morning with a little water, and add my fav moisturizer. Once a week, after deep conditioning, I gently detangle. Most of the time it's only shedded hairs (no broken ones). When I was detangling everyday there were plenty of broken hairs.

Same here. I comb my hair once a week when I wash. This has heped me retain my hair.
I only comb my hair when I wash it every 5-7 days. Ultra moisturizing CON helps with the detangles.

My lastest "aha moment" was last night when I realized that I should use the serum to help me finger comb my hair. So, that's what I did before bed and this morning, and it looks like I used a comb.
I only comb my hair once a week when I wash as well. I would have never thought to do such a thing, but now it's second nature. I think that that has been part of the reason my hair has become thicker. I love it!
Up until last week I was combing my hair everday, sometimes even with a fine tooth comb. First reading some of the previous threads I was like how the heck do they go without combing. But so far I've found it quite easy. I just tie my hair down at night and roll the ends under and in the morning it takes 2 seconds to finger comb it into the bun. Its only been four days but my hair looks sooo much better. It has this constant curl to it and already looks healthier and thicker. Now my only challenge is attempting to finger comb the next time I wash my hair.
WOW. I wish. I detangle with a wide tooth comb in the shower or finger comb it just all depends on what my hair is preferring. But I comb my hair probably 2 - 3 x week this includes the combing in the shower and I brush once or twice a week. I do the scarf method, but my hair does not lay flat enough for me and I wear a bun 6 days week.
I don't comb my hair either. I don't have a need to "comb" anything. But I do use a comb in the shower/under the sink when I have conditioner in it to distribute it through. Then the comb goes bye-bye.
PerfectDoak said:
I only finger comb my hair in the shower when it's loaded with conditioner.

I only have like 4 inches of hair though, when it was longer I used my Kcutter in the shower
I only comb my hair with a wide-tooth comb after washing and conditioning it. I generally rollerset after washing. For the rest of the week, or until wash day comes around again, I finger comb my rollersets. I use my fingers to part my hair for rollersetting and braidouts, and finger comb my braidouts. Among all the great advice I've gotten here, this is definitely the best tip. I really think it's helped to preserve my hair.
I have not been combing my hair either for a quite a few months now and it has help me tremendously with the over all health of my hair. My hair has even started to gain some thickness and I lose little to no hair during wash time. I have been washing my hair daily so the water is actually my comb:lol:. When I wash and go everyday, I apply my hair products then airdry then as soon as my hair dries I just use my fingers to lightly separate my curls. If I want to wear I ponytail, while washing my hair in the shower, the water slicks my hair back so there is no need to comb it. I apply hair products as soon as I get out of the shower and put my hair in a ponytail holder and let it airdry. From now on I will just detangle after a touchup then don't comb until my next touchup.