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Mama noooooooooo hell naw this is worse then when Penny got burned with the iron on Good Times :nono: Dang man poor client just sitting in the chair being abused.
Dang! I cringed too! After one visit to her my fine hair would be on the FLOOR! Way to much heat for me:perplexed
Uh, :nono: I don't even know what to say. You've GOT to be kidding me. Was the iron on? Why would you run it a) on that thin of a section of hair and b) 700 times over the same piece of thin hair?

That was tooo much for me!! I just wanted her to stop. The poor girls hair was already super thin and straight. DANG!!:nono:
Oh my goodness...I have seen some of her other videos and I was not impressed--especially when she does the rollerset and rips the fine-toothed comb through the girl's hair a zillion times! Wow--just wow!
What the...?! :wallbash:

I would have to beat someone down with their flat iron if they tried that on me...that's straight up hair abuse! And this woman claims she's a professional? A professional WHAT?
There are some very rude comments in the comments section of her videos. That's so wrong. There's a nice way to say everything.
I was watching a Youtube video that made me want to cringe!!! It's a lady "schooling" in a video about flat iron usage and she runs her iron through this girls hair 50 million times!!! I was wondering if some ladies from over here left some of those comments, lol.


Well the girl is a hair model... she's showing the technique.

It's not a haircare video. It's a ceramic ironing video.

I saw some of that lady's videos. She irritates me just off the way she sounds when she speaks.

Hair models are the sacrificial lambs :grin:
It's so sad about the hair model. I'm sure she is trusting that a professional is handling her hair and knows how to flatiron properly.

I just wanted that lady to stop running that flatiron through her hair.
I've seen her videos before, but never have I seen something like THAT. She was raping that girls hair with that flat iron. It was like a bad dream. Going over and over the same section of already straightened hair four and five times. It's just unnecessary :nono:.