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Nola Darling

New Member
I was watching a Youtube video that made me want to cringe!!! It's a lady "schooling" in a video about flat iron usage and she runs her iron through this girls hair 50 million times!!! I was wondering if some ladies from over here left some of those comments, lol.

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Lord have mercy!!! How many times was she going to go over that same piece of hair. I cringed too, I just wanted her too stop!!!!!
I've seen her "expertise" videos before... I don't know who left those comments, but I do not believe that lady is an expert on our hair. Did you see her video about washing hair?? You should see it! I don't know what kinda washing she was doing! The lady in the chair is the same lady whose hair she washed. Can we say A MESS??:lachen: AND she put it through her hair like 8 times!
i thought you ladies were exaggerating.

i feel so sorry for her hair, it's so thin and flat and................kentucky fried.

Wow this is pretty bad. And I am sure she is charging an arm and a leg in Hollywood California.

The sad thing is that until you decide to learn about haircare, this doesn't seem bad. The client probably doesn't know how damaging that is. The stylist has likely convinced her that African American hair is so coarse and resistant that high repetitive heat is required.

I really started taking an active role in haircare in the summer of 2000 when a poorly applied relaxer burnt my hair out. I am so glad I am informed now.
I just want to know what makes her an "expert" on our hair??:perplexed Her hair is nothing like ours. Also, the only Black woman she works on (atleast in the videos I've seen) is that very same bafoon sitting in the chair getting her hair fried:lachen:
i thought you ladies were exaggerating.

i feel so sorry for her hair, it's so thin and flat and................kentucky fried.

:lachen: That's hilarious. I saw this video last week and it reminded me why i don't do salons
WOW! I actually counted. She went over the same piece of hair 7 times!

ETA: And did you see how long she left the iron on her ends? My GOD!
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I just want to know what makes her an "expert" on our hair??:perplexed Her hair is nothing like ours. Also, the only Black woman she works on (atleast in the videos I've seen) is that very same bafoon sitting in the chair getting her hair fried:lachen:

LMAO!!!!!! That poor girl just doesn't know any better. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I just watched some of her other videos as well and I no likey. :nono: She is a bit excessive in her manipulation of the hair. I am curious what her view would be of LHCF. That is scarey. Mental note not to get hair done in Hollywood, Florida.
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lol at the comments that were left! There was no need for her to torch that girl's hair like that!
lol, poor Liz Muller! I did like her mini rollerset tutorial and piggyback tutorial, but yeah that's about it. I think some LHCF sisters have rolled up on her youtube and left those comments. There is no wrath greater than the ones that will come from a LHCFer :nono: I have seen the great evidence so I'm convinced. Can we say video with the brown gel and iron?? We must have put that girl outta bidness.
isn't this the same buffoon of a woman who does the rollerset video? i remember her using a teeny tiny fine toothed comb to comb the whole length of the hair before putting the rollers in :nono:
The scary part is thats basically how my hair was flat ironed every week up until I found you guys (what last week). I'm glad I still have hair left.
My hair would be all over the floor after she would blow dry it. I just thought that was normal.

Since I found you guys I can't close my laptop...I read old threads, blogs, fotki's etc.

My sweet stylist keeps calling me. I don't know how to tell her she's been dumped. I just don't answer.

How do you break-up with a stylist ?:nono:

Sorry so long.
Man I remember those days like yesterday. I can remember the smell to the point of coughing because the smoke was so thick.

I am having post traumatic stress disorder or here ladies.

Unfortunately, lack of knowledge all the waaaaaay around is the reason for this catastrophic situation.

I am wondering if she blow dryed, pressed and then used the flat iron? That is what was done to me every 3-4 weeks off and on for years until I found the hair boards.

Okay, going to my cabinet and looking for some pills because I am getting a twitch in my eye.:spinning:
I saw this before and I was turned off by how many times she pressed the girls very very thin hair. I think she ran that flat iron through the already straight hair 7 times. They should pull that right out of there. I wonder if they girl has any hair left. There wasn't a positive comment on there. Not one.
Oh my God, I laughed, I cried, I cringed. Bump going to the movies, that flat ironing was a Spieldberg in itself...More controversial than The Passion? Perhaps...
This doesn't surprise me. A lady at my job told me that I will need to flat iron my hair, if I want to keep the curls.

I said, "I can just rollerset my hair" and she was like, girl nobody rollersets their hair anymore! Just blowdry it straight and then flat iron it and then it will hold the curls.

All that heat! And she got weave in her hair. So now will I take any advice from her?

Bad hair care practices are still very much alive and well in our community! It's like I always say, the ladies here on LHCF are the exception, not the norm.