Ateyaaa's Promoting NUGROHAIRPRODUCTS...

Awww I never really paid attention to her doors in the sense that I was like OOOH they cheap, I was more like cool two doors.
Since she is an "affiliate" of Black Hair Spray which obviously means she is getting paid to "review" their wigs and hair related products, it is comon sense to assume that the "reviews" are clearly bias and not sincere...

Anyhoo...hopefully her followers are smart enough to know the difference.

Is she their new spokesperson? Cause she said she had big news to reveal in feb. She was also in newyork doing some photo-shoot.
It's kind of interesting how everyone stanned for Ateya's hair practices and talked smack on Shima oil but look who's WL now...

Her style and haircut are fantastic though.
LOL doors? really? the doors in my house are brrown? what does that mean? what of doors does she have? what happened? lol
I know this is old but I just want to say that I was turned off when I learned her channel is called "Smuve Complexions".
I love Ateya. We all cant go from SL-APL to MBL-WL in 2 or 3 yrs, no matter how long we have been on our journey. Things happen, setbacks, breakage, bad products etc. Ive been on my hair care jouney for almost 3 yrs now and I just make BSB (barely) and I follow my reggie to a T. IDK about the products that shes promoting but atleast shes trying to help. All because someone is promoting a product doesnt mean you have to use it, no matter how much you love them:)
I just wanted to say that,


Her hair is the sugar honey iced tea!!!:grin:

I never get tired of these threads.:lachen:
I know this is off topic but while watching her videos I always have a tendency to focus on those ugly cheap brown doors in her background.....i'm just saying. I still like her though.

HA! I really just wish she would get a screen and put it up behind her. It's sooooo distracting!
Dang I didn't know her doors distracted ya'll so much. It's a bathroom right? Oh well I am not judging anyone on where they live. Or how cheap their house looks. Not cool.
Is she their new spokesperson? Cause she said she had big news to reveal in feb. She was also in newyork doing some photo-shoot.

I'm honestly not sure whether her photo shoot is in any way related to her "affiliation" with Black Hair Spray but I would not be surprised if it was. She is definitely representing them in some way. As for the big announcement, I suspect that it might be a wig line that she is working on but then again I could be wrong.....
This is a woman that

- Relaxes every month or very frequently with barely any visible newgrowth

- Has been on camera on many occasions tieing her hair with a cotton scarf and saying I know I shouldn't be doing this but oh well as she does it.

- Often combs her hair very harshly while wet.

- Seems more geared into the look of the hair then the health.

- Has been shoulder length for YEARS

I said it before and I'll say it again, cute personality and nice lady but I seriously do not get why people take her haircare tips as gospel. The proof is in the pudding and the pudding is lacking.

I think she has this many followers because she knows how to work a wig, she has engaging videos and has a funny personality.

Anybody can achieve swang people say she has swang as if its this sacred rare occurence. You can get swang by simply comb-chasing and using lightweight styling products....its not that amazing lol

She usually relaxes every 8+ weeks or so. She cut her hair a little after her sew in mishap and is trying to get that spot to catch up.

IMO I don't think everyone can get swang.....maybe a little swing or body. Okay, I know technique plays a factor and product but i think the most important factor is your hair type and your hairs condition.

I didn't know people were taking her haircare tips as gospel. I just thought some people really loved her hair and its swang.
Loves me some Ateyaaa. For 1, she's the first hair guru I found and two, she's just entertaining. I have little to know interest in wearing all those wigs, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to watch everyone of her videos.
I remember reading/hearing her say that her nickname is Smuve

but how the He!! do you pronounce that...... ( sarcasm here)

wtf wtf wtf you expect me to take you seriously and yet you have words like that!?!?!?!?!?!? I know what smooth is, but smuve ?!?!?!?!? wtf
Loves me some Ateyaaa. For 1, she's the first hair guru I found and two, she's just entertaining. I have little to know interest in wearing all those wigs, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to watch everyone of her videos.

I think she's far from a hair guru.
People are always quick to jump on the band wagon to put something down or make derogatory comments. That's why we can never support each other. I have see many products spelled differently for marketing purposes, it has nothing to do with not knowing how to spell. Thank God Lisa Price, founder of Carol's Daughter had people who believed in her.
Well... Ateyaaa's hair still looks better than 90% of black women's, bad wigs or not. I don't think her audience is the LHCF gang. Rather it's the women walking around with stiff, gelled-up locks that are just trying to get their hair to look GOOD, for starters. :ohwell:
Loves me some Ateyaaa. For 1, she's the first hair guru I found and two, she's just entertaining. I have little to know interest in wearing all those wigs, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to watch everyone of her videos.

Hair GURU?......:lachen: