Am I the only one who doesn't WANT waist length+ hair?

No you are not the only 1. The only time I wanted hair that long is when I was younger and Disney had me lusting over Jasmine and Pocahontas' manes. Now for me, once hair gets much longer than the brastrap it stops making sense...

Those who have and love it or aspire to have it..More power to ya!

I don't want. *shrug*
Nope. I only wanted APL length hair. Now that I'm there it doesn't seem like enough hair so I'm shooting for BSL. I think I'm done after that. Combing is already becoming a chore.
I don't want waist length hair either. I prefer BSL length while straight, and shoulder/APL while curly. I've never been a fan of very long hair.
i get annoyed with my apl hair , i can only imagine trying to untangle some waist length 4b hair! Iong hair is pretty im dont want to spend all my time on it, The most i would probably be able to manage is mbl after that it would just be too hot and getting in my face, which i cant stand already.
I keep going back and forth on this.

When I was relaxed as a teenager, I often thought about cutting my hair short like the other girls.
When I was relaxed as an adult and my hair rarely grew past my shoulders, I wanted it super long.
When I did the BC, I wanted it super long, stat!
As I was growing it out, I started waffling back and forth because I missed my TWA.
Now, I still waffle. My DH loves my hair long, and I do too most days, but it is hot, takes a lot of time, etc.

I don't know. Right now, I will keep growing it and see what happens. Part of me wants to see how long I can get it. Part of me misses that TWA!

I miss my TWA too! I rocked that baby.., couldn't tell me nu-ting.
All my life I've considered APL to BSL hair long. I still do, so that's pretty much my goal. If it gets too cumbersome then I will be cutting it lol
Is not wanting waist length hair crazy? No way!
I'm crazy. I want to see how long my hair can get. I won't stop even if it touches the floor. Besides, it'll probably still shrink up to my shoulders anyway. :yep:
On most days, I'm all on the long hair train but nowadays I'm just sick of it. I wanted to go as long as hl/tbl but I kind of like my length at its current mbl. On the other hand, my hair is fine and medium, so it doesn't feel like too much hair. :spinning:
No you're not the only one. I'm still deciding if I want to stop at MBL or WL. I want to grow out my layers, which will take years, and will not be growing beyond WL. Beyond that I think it will detract from my biggest asset, my face. :grin:
my hair is too thick to handle waistlength! I would go bananas. I'm perfectly fine at BSB. I think WL hair would make me have a blah appearance:look:
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I don't want waist length hair and it's not about the maintenance. Waist length hair would not look flattering on me, I'd look like cousin it since I'm only 5'4". I will be happy with full BSL or maybe an inch or so beyond that. Besides full BSL on me almost looks MBL.

I used to think the same thing and didn't want anything past APL bc I am petite. But I think w/my hair not being that thick and having layers, it won't look as bad as I initially thought it would.
Nope you are not the only one, if I can make it to brastrap I will be good. At the texture my hair is growing out. It's gonna be way too thick and tangle too much for me to handle anything beyond! I might change my mind later but right now I'm thinkin brastrap will be enough..
I am just growing to the point where it gets to be a far i am satisfied with my current length and am excited to reach never reached lengths
Nope, definitely not the only one. I plan on stopping @ BSL maybe MBL but anything longer than that will be CUT...nothing against anyone with super long hair, but I refuse to deal with SSK, tangles, and only wearing my hair in protective styles bcuz of length.

IDK how some of LHCF ladies do it. Going months PS'ing and wigs/weaves. I mean if you're going to work hard for the length with hide it. just my opinion. srry OT.

but MBL is the stopping point.
I am really amazed and impressed by the results I see on this forum and youtube, etc... but I find myself literally incapable of caring for my hair past a certain length (BSL). I came to this forum because my hair was already long and wanted tips on how to keep it healthy (and join with people who were as haircare-obsessed/as much of a PJ as I am!) But I can honestly say, I have no desire to have hair to my hips! OMG...I don't think I could maintain a full-time job! LOL

I found my longest hair (MBL) to be a lot of work, so much so, that a family member of mine pointed out that every time he came by to visit I was either getting ready to get under the dryer, getting out from the dryer, or under it. And it was true! I know that long hair is lovely and this is no disrespect to the people who want/have it, but when I think of the weight of that hair, having it get caught on stuff (in between me and the chair back if it's down), all I can think is "time to cut, cut, cut!" Am I still allowed here? :Blush2:

There's nothing wrong with feeling this way, I believe there are many ladies who don't want their hair that long, I personally don't want anything pass my waist, because I'm short, so I would look like cousin IT, and I believe longer hair is a lot of work, to me, it's just easy to put in a ponytail, so I wanna grow to mbl and then try waist, and I'll probably decide which length to stick too, but u are not alone and u are allowed to be here:grin:
I always get a kick out of these kinds of threads, especially when people mention only wanting shoulder/APL length curly/natural hair, which for many of us means hair well beyond waist-length stretched/straightened, due to shrinkage. :)
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I always get a kick out of these kinds of threads, especially when people mention only wanting shoulder/APL length curly/natural hair, which for many of us means hair well beyond waist-length stretched/straightened, due to shrinkage. :)

:yep: yup that's why I will be growing growing growing. without product my hair shrinks all the way up to above my shoulders and I'm approaching bsl.
LOL @ your MBL story! I actually plan on stopping at BSL/MBL. I say both because I'll most likely never wear my hair all one length. I think anything beyond this and my hair will require to much product to maintain (shampoo/conditioner/moisturizer) and updos and pin-ups will no longer be cute.
I will actively grow my hair to MBL and switch to maintenance mode. If it gets to WL fine but nothing more. Anything beyond WL on me would just be blah since after a certain length (MBL/WL) I go from cool styling options back to limited styling options. What am I going to do with classic/hip length hair besides a bun? Roller set? I don't think so.
I've grown my hair to APL with no problem. I can maintain that lenght but I seem to always have trouble getting it to BSL. BSL is my goal but I'm wondering if I just just quit it. I've been on maintenance mode forever. I stop chasing lenght because I always loose on retention by focusing on length. Maintenance mode seem to work for me since I don't mind APL.
No offence....but I just want to know for myself that I can have hair down my back With out a weave.... Now I know I can make it to WL but according to my Husband he wants me to stop at that is cool with

My Goal is to obtain and maintain... long BSL or MBL or WL HEALTHY hair...:lick:
No offence....but I just want to know for myself that I can have hair down my back With out a weave.... Now I know I can make it to WL but according to my Husband he wants me to stop at that is cool with

My Goal is to obtain and maintain... long BSL or MBL or WL HEALTHY hair...:lick:

Please share why your husband says he prefers WL.
I guess I'm greedy because I want as much/long as my hair can get. Even at APL and close to BSL, its is a little annoying to do wash-n-gos with wet, sticky hair sloshing on my neck and face. We'll see how full BSL feels.
Waist length is too much hair for me, I'm going for BSL-MBL. That is basically where my hair was before a beautician over processed it with a super Revlon perm when I was 10. She ruined my hair texture, it's never been as thick or long in 30 yrs. I'm on a quest to grow my hair to childhood strength/length.
... What am I going to do with classic/hip length hair besides a bun? Roller set? ...

Braids, twists, ponytails, braidouts, twistouts, bantu knotouts, half-ups, straightened and out, updos with various hair toys... and oh yes, buns. ;)
I don't want wl either simply because I'm not sure if my hair will get that long since it's so prone to splits and being thin at the ends. I would love to have effortless WL growth. It would be a lot less stressful if I knew my hair would do so without the blood sweat and tears lol. I think I can only go to MBL, maybe CBL if my ends would cooperate.