What oils are you using to oil rinse with?


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of you are now doing the oil rinsing to your hair, but what oils do you use that works for your hair and what did not work for you?
Castor and amla oil. For me, these are wonderful. My hair is soft and detangled and my hair stays moisturized. I just started using Qhemet's Castor & Moringa Oil and that is a keeper, too!
Castor and amla oil. For me, these are wonderful. My hair is soft and detangled and my hair stays moisturized. I just started using Qhemet's Castor & Moringa Oil and that is a keeper, too!

How much do you use? Dou you have to saturate your hair with oil or just apply a small amount?
i use extra virgin olive oil. i use about 1/4 of a cup, and after letting it sit for a few minutes, i co-wash it out with some white rain or suave humectant conditioner.

i want to try it with castor oil, though, cuz i'm tired of making the bathroom smell like the olive garden (that's what people on my floor tell me-- i share a bathroom with 8 other girls :( )
I use coconut oil or olive oil. I completely saturate my hair, then cover with a shower cap for a few hours or overnight. I then co-wash with Elucence and style as usual. I notice that my hair is less tangled and less dry.

*** I no longer use coconut oil. I think the cold weather has made it solidify more and tangle my hair.
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Tonite, I used castor and amla. I dont know if its cuz I have fine hair, but this didnt work out too well. It felt a lil heavy and a lil tangly afterward. I clarified before the oil rinse, perhaps I should have done it afterward....

My first oil rinse, I did with olive oil, that felt alooot better. At least I know now that castor oil and alma doesnt work for me. :ohwell:
The ones that work best for me are Camellia and Aphogee oils.

So far have been using more of the Aphogee than anything, it seems to be really helping keep the tangles to a minimum.
Avocado oil has worked best for me so far - my hair was so soft and detangled.

Almond oil was ok
almond mixed with castor didn't work
Well I guess I was thinking of something else. When I saw oil rinse I was thinking about a technique that I learned from the Hairveda lady - I 4get her name. After I co-wash or reg wash, the last thing I do b4 I get out of the shower is saturate my hair with coconut oil & then rinse with cold water. This has done wonders for my hair. I rarely ever get those fine knots on my ends that I used to. As far as a pre-poo, sometimes I mix olive oil & honey & leave that on over night. Last night I mixed a combo of different oils: olive, castor, basil, thyme & peppermint EOs, some Hairveda oil & a little aloe vera. I left it on overnight. The over night pre-poos give me lots of shine.
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Castor and amla oil. For me, these are wonderful. My hair is soft and detangled and my hair stays moisturized. I just started using Qhemet's Castor & Moringa Oil and that is a keeper, too!

Same here. I've been also mixing mine with shikaikai oil and using it to cleanse my scalp.
Coconut oil seem to work the best for my hair.
Castor oil,Alma and Advocado works ok.

Isnt Coconut oil amazing?

I got the idea one day when I was using coconut oil for my face... I was like... if it cleans my face and leaves it moisturized... I wonder what it will do for my hair?

It is so... GOOD! I swear, its better than a lot of conditioners I have ever had. I a going to add it to my crappy conditoners now so I wont put them to waste.
I used sunflower oil because I had so much of it from oil pulling. It worked wonderfully for me to detangle.:drunk:
How exactly does theoil rinse work though? Do you just pour it all over your head or in sections? I have a big bottle of grapeseed oil that I am not sure how to use.......
since my hair detest most protein treatments I use oils that contain protein (grape seed oil is my current favorite)to keep my hair balanced. I oil rinse on dry hair with warm oil as a pre poo then I proceed with my regular regimen of co washing, deep conditioning and roller setting.