Christian Dilemma

Have you ever been in a situation, when you were saved and the people you loved dearly weren't. My fiance and I are christians, my family believes in God but they don't live their life for Christ. I just feel totally out the loop sometimes when I'm around my family. Because now that I've changed my lifestyle my beliefs are now different, too. And alot of things they do and say I just don't agree with anymore. I'll just continue to pray.
That is hard..I have that issue more with friends than with family family is Christian but some of the things they do.....:nono:

I think you are handling it exactly right..the bible says under Peter to
behave in a way that your (husband)..could apply to anyone ..yes?
may be won over..
So keeping your faithwalk strong,keep praying and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Have you ever been in a situation, when you were saved and the people you loved dearly weren't. My fiance and I are christians, my family believes in God but they don't live their life for Christ. I just feel totally out the loop sometimes when I'm around my family. Because now that I've changed my lifestyle my beliefs are now different, too. And alot of things they do and say I just don't agree with anymore. I'll just continue to pray.[/quote.]

I completely understand.My family (almost all to my knowledge) are not saved, and in fact some used to oppose me going to church, calling me "bible basher" and one even kind of distanced herself from me at one point. Though I have no suggestions other than just trying to keep strong and remember "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him" (2 Chron 16:9).

What I can say, is that I can see some changes, after prayer and fasting (though these are not immediate)my mother is starting to read the bible more, and this is a huge step for her. Please don't lose hope, also, prayer and fasting do a great deal... all in God's time

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I feel you. I was just thinking about this today. I was thinking about the circles of people that I always wanted to fit in but just didn't feel comfortable. I use to do things to try to be a part, but now that I am only trying to be a part of that great number in Heaven, I don't drink, party, cuss, get all rowdy. And I just don't vibe with too many people anymore. I only feel comforable around other Christians or at least unsaved people who are modest and lowkey.
I had a family member that used to harass me each and every Sunday and midweek service telling me that i went to a devil church and that I'm the devil and that going to church won't change me or things and just simply took every opportunity to try to berate me and even literally stood in my way so that i could not walk out of the door or took the car keys. when I would come back, i would be verbally assaulted again and baited to try to argue etc. it was a very stressful time.

about 10 yrs later that person came to my church and gave their life to christ and the rest is history.
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