Prominent Pastor Sporting A Diamond Stud Earring

That's fair. The alcohol issue is a dead one to me because like the poster above me said, we have to agree to disagree. On judgement day everyone has to answer for themselves. Let me clarify and say I was referring to these "addition commandments" in general of what is/is not appropriate based on society at this time and not the Word per se. I have seen young ministers dressed as goths, excited about Christ. And yes they had piercings, tattoos. When people are trying to get their lives right, nobody needs to hear a speech about the frivolous, which is why I brought up the fact that it is a turnoff. Church has a always been full of too many who are far too concerned with the length of a skirt than what the needs of the people are. But I do agree, sometimes you have to keep it moving...

Like I said before pray. If He says it's ok for Christians to drink, have body piercings and tattoes then fine if He says no then don't. We will stand before Him and some will have to answer the question, "Why did you refuse to ask me?".

People are always going to find a reason to be turned off by church. We can't reach everyone, everyone doesn't want to be reached. Those are excuses to not attend. If folks don't believe that God cares about skirt length don't attend a church that does if He didn't tell you too. To me that's very uncomplicated.

Asking God what He wants us to do would save a lot of questions from being posted to this forum and a lot of e-debates from happening. Prayer is simple and quick and we can be assured that He will tell us the Truth if we REALLY want to know it. He's always right and knows all things. We have differing opinions. Why ask here?
Ok, cool. Now let's consider this in context.

It was the PHARISEES who criticized Jesus. They criticized Jesus for A LOT of things. Why? Because of their adherence to the law.... Yes, the followed the law to the letter... with no HEART.

Jesus came to fulfill the law... Jesus brought His HEART to the law. In other words, His words aligned with His actions. He demonstrated the spirit of the law through His actions.

Notice a couple of verses before verse 34, where it talks about how Jesus performed miracles, healing people that were blind and lame. Interesting how the Pharisees didn't criticize that, but they focused on Jesus' eating and drinking...based on what an EARTHLY man did....

That's straight FOOLISHNESS! Then and now....

For the record, it is not a sin to consume alcohol. Scripture gives direction for consumption, though: 1) is to drink it when you are sick and 2) not to drink it in excess. That doesn't sound like it gives the ok to drink it RECREATIONALLY....

Ephesians 5:18: "18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another in the fear of God.

1 Timothy 5:23: 23 No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.

I think it's kind of crazy how this thread about a (grown) male pastor in an earring has flipped to issues around the saints and alcohol consumption. But that is a trick of the enemy: to deceive and misrepresent and take off on a tangent....

The church tradition against ANY alcohol consumption has to do with seeming LACK OF CONTROL and DISCIPLINE....something that the world suffers from. We are all in this flesh and sometimes it is better to abstain altogether so that our "taste", if you will doesn't get tempted.

Ultimately, it is about our lives being a witness to others. And we must be careful about not misleading others and even weaker brothers and sisters, even. The Bible talks about blood being on the hands of those who mislead others.

You make some very good points. Someone mentioned earlier that drinking in front of an alcoholic was not a good idea, and I agree that there's a time and place for everything. I'm not sure what you mean by recreational drinking, but according to the scriptures drinking is fine, drunkeness is not. If that's made clear then you aren't misleading anyone. In fact it is misleading to suggest that drinking alcohol is wrong as the Bible certainly doesn't say that.

Anyway, this will be my last post on the subject in this thread. I think that everyone has made their points and that we just disagree. I agree with Ms.Honey in that asking God is probably the best course of action. Of course he's already answered the question for Christians in general in the Bible, but God may want some individuals to give up alcohol even if Christians as a whole aren't required to give it up. I think that the problem comes in when people take their own personal preferences and attempt to make them universal Christian principles. I've had to learn in my own walk that just because I find something offensive or inappropriate doesn't mean that it's wrong for everyone unless the Bible supports my position. That goes for alcohol, earrings and everything else.
This is one way to tell a Christian from a saved only person. We make sacrifices. There are many things that are lawful for us but not expedient(1 Cor.10:19-33). It is not expedient for the sake of the gospel for American Christians to drink, get tattoes, or wear body piercings among other things worldly people do. So American Christians don't. Is it lawful and permitted in the bible for us to drink. Yes. Is it a good witness? No, not in America.

Bottom Line. American Christians, regardless of what we're allowed, do not drink. Our men do not wear earrings, neither male or female get tatted up, we don't wear body piercings. Saved only people whine about how unfair stuff is because it says we can/doesn't say we can't in the bible. It doesn't say we can't smoke weed either and yes I've heard the argument that we can because the bible doesn't prohibit it and they used hemp in the bible.

The Lord says that we are to be distinctly different, a peculiar people. Saved only people can't be distinguished from the unsaved because they still drink, get tats, and wear piercings among other lawful, unexpedient things.

Hurt people want change, they want something different. When the Lord saved me He CHANGED my life. I had to make changes so He could use me. I didn't wanted to be tempted back into a world that was killing me. I didn't want to be associated with people who still lived that lifestyle.

Ask the Lord why you can't win souls to Christ after all of these years of being saved. It's your witness, you're compromising and you're hypocrites. Christians are living sacrifices. Saved only folks hang on to as much of the world as they can. He can only use some of you to show others who to avoid and what not to be.
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Wow--I haven't ever heard it put quite that way even though I remember my "saved only" days. I used to be a member of the lawful, but not expedient club. Shoot, I was even a member of the unlawful club. And at both of those periods in my life, the Christians surrounding me that I looked up to the most, the ones I admired, the ones I wanted to strive to be like were not "saved only." There was something so very different about these ladies.

Thinking about these very special women brings lots of emotion to my heart right now. They were not "saved only." And if they had been, they would not have had the same kind of influence on me that they did. That influence made me want to be better. It's years later and I still thank God for these witnesses in my life. For I certainly would not have been moved to change if they were drinkers, tatted, and such. They had beautiful hearts and they made sure they represented Him beautifully on the outside also.
This is one way to tell a Christian from a saved only person. We make sacrifices. There are many things that are lawful for us but not expedient(1 Cor.10:19-33). It is not expedient for the sake of the gospel for American Christians to drink, get tattoes, or wear body piercings among other things worldly people do. So American Christians don't. Is it lawful and permitted in the bible for us to drink. Yes. Is it a good witness? No, not in America. I completely disagree with this. Many American Christians consume alcohol and are good witnesses. Of course who you are witnessing to matters here.

Bottom Line. American Christians, regardless of what we're allowed, do not drink. Not true at all. Many American Christians drink. Our men do not wear earrings, neither male or female get tatted up, we don't wear body piercings. Saved only people whine about how unfair stuff is because it says we can/doesn't say we can't in the bible. I missed the whining in this thread. It doesn't say we can't smoke weed either and yes I've heard the argument that we can because the bible doesn't prohibit it and they used hemp in the bible. It's completely different as weed is illegal and we are to follow the law so long as it does not contradict God's word. I am unfamiliar with anyone smoking hemp in the Bible.

The Lord says that we are to be distinctly different, a peculiar people. Saved only people can't be distinguished from the unsaved because they still drink, get tats, and wear piercings among other lawful, unexpedient things. I think that the fruits of the spirit distinguish the saved from the unsaved not the outfit or the beverage. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, - that's how you can recognize a Christian. :yep:

Hurt people want change, they want something different. When the Lord saved me He CHANGED my life. I had to make changes so He could use me. I didn't wanted to be tempted back into a world that was killing me. I didn't want to be associated with people who still lived that lifestyle. Good for you! I managed to completely change my life without abstaining from alcohol. It wasn't a problem for me or a large part of my life, and so abstaining wasn't necessary. I did have make some much bigger changes in my life.

Ask the Lord why you can't win souls to Christ after all of these years of being saved. People don't win souls to Christ, the Lord handles that. But people have responded to my witnessing and I drink wine with dinner on a regular basis. I had a drink at the last BBQ I attended too. It's your witness, you're compromising and you're hypocrites. Drinking in no way makes someone a hypocrite.:perplexed Christians are living sacrifices. Saved only folks hang on to as much of the world as they can. He can only use some of you to show others who to avoid and what not to be. I would never pressume to put limits on how God is using someone else. You can't know this and it's really an awful thing to say.God does amazing things with people that you probably wouldn't approve of. People with earrings and tattoos and baggy pants on. :grin:

My responses to your post in red above.

I said that I wouldn't say anything else in this thread, but I was a little shocked at this post. Are there any Bible passages that talk about the distinction between a Christian and saved person that you mention here? If so please share. I read the scriptures that you sited and I interpreted them to mean, again, that there is time and place for everything.
If you are with someone and what are eating offends them then don't eat it in their presence.

I have a friend who thought that Christians shouldn't eat meat because of the torture that animals endure. She believed that it wasn't compassionate and that it wasn't the way that God meant for us to treat the animals that we eat. I had salad when we were together but of course didn't give up meat entirely because I don't believe that Christians need to be vegetarians. I think that the anti-alcohol argument is similar. If you are sitting by someone who will stumble because you are drinking alcohol or by someone who doesn't understand what the Bible says about alcohol then maybe you should abstain. But in front of people who have no issue with drinking, in the privacy of your own home,or with a group of people who know what the Bible says about alcohol and agree with God's word, then drinking is harmless.
My responses to your post in red above.

I said that I wouldn't say anything else in this thread, but I was a little shocked at this post. Are there any Bible passages that talk about the distinction between a Christian and saved person that you mention here? If so please share. I read the scriptures that you sited and I interpreted them to mean, again, that there is time and place for everything.
If you are with someone and what are eating offends them then don't eat it in their presence.

I have a friend who thought that Christians shouldn't eat meat because of the torture that animals endure. She believed that it wasn't compassionate and that it wasn't the way that God meant for us to treat the animals that we eat. I had salad when we were together but of course didn't give up meat entirely because I don't believe that Christians need to be vegetarians. I think that the anti-alcohol argument is similar. If you are sitting by someone who will stumble because you are drinking alcohol or by someone who doesn't understand what the Bible says about alcohol then maybe you should abstain. But in front of people who have no issue with drinking, in the privacy of your own home,or with a group of people who know what the Bible says about alcohol and agree with God's word, then drinking is harmless.

As I said before Christians make sacrifices and saved only folks hold on to as much of the world as they can. It is a poor witness for American Christians to drink. Saved only folks don't want to make the sacrifice to win souls to Christ.

How do you know whether a person has a drinking problem? Do you say I like to drink but I need to know if you're an alcoholic first? Do you ask everyone who comes into a restaraunt or dinner party, " Can I see the hands of any who may be alcoholics before I can drink my wine."?

You can tell Christians from saved only folks by their actions and what we're willing to sacrifice for the Words sake.

I'm not trying to persuade you not to drink I actually don't care what you do.
Wow--I haven't ever heard it put quite that way even though I remember my "saved only" days. I used to be a member of the lawful, but not expedient club. Shoot, I was even a member of the unlawful club. And at both of those periods in my life, the Christians surrounding me that I looked up to the most, the ones I admired, the ones I wanted to strive to be like were not "saved only." There was something so very different about these ladies.

Thinking about these very special women brings lots of emotion to my heart right now. They were not "saved only." And if they had been, they would not have had the same kind of influence on me that they did. That influence made me want to be better. It's years later and I still thank God for these witnesses in my life. For I certainly would not have been moved to change if they were drinkers, tatted, and such. They had beautiful hearts and they made sure they represented Him beautifully on the outside also.

Yep. The Lord said be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers, he didn't say the unsaved. I've had friends who never changed past the alter confession. They started off great but went back to their old ways. They struggle in their lives in areas the could have had victory but were unwilling to make the sacrifices necessary to live a fulfilled life.

They couldn't witness to me because they were doing the same things I was so I didn't really want to hear it. That's what saved only folks don't get. Unsaved look at how we live our lives first and what we say second. The general consensus in America is that Protestants don't drink. If we do drink it's a poor witness and not expedient to the gospel.
As I said before Christians make sacrifices and saved only folks hold on to as much of the world as they can. It is a poor witness for American Christians to drink. Saved only folks don't want to make the sacrifice to win souls to Christ.

How do you know whether a person has a drinking problem? Do you say I like to drink but I need to know if you're an alcoholic first? Do you ask everyone who comes into a restaraunt or dinner party, " Can I see the hands of any who may be alcoholics before I can drink my wine."?

You can tell Christians from saved only folks by their actions and what we're willing to sacrifice for the Words sake.

I'm not trying to persuade you not to drink I actually don't care what you do.

Do you have some scriptural support for any of the things that you are saying or is this all based on your personal opinion? A person consuming alcohol in no way means that they are unwilling to make sacrifices in order to win souls to Christ. :perplexed I ask again if you have any scriptural basis for your comments about a "saved person" vs a Christian or for how you recognize a Christian. Because a person can certainly drink alcohol and still display the fruits of the spirit. Jesus himself drank despite being criticized for it. Clearly drinking wine is not "holding on to the world."

In response to the bolded, I drink most of my wine and eat most of meals at home or with my extended family and I am 100% sure that no one in my family has a drinking problem. Is drinking alcohol still poor witness in this situation?

According to your logic you can't do anything without fear of offending someone and causing them to stumble. I can't be 100% sure that when I put on perfume that someone somewhere won't be allergic, I can't be 100% sure that the person dining next to me isn't a sickened by the sight of meat and upset when I order a cheeseburger. I can't be sure that the woman eating a salad at the next table isn't a diabetic or on a diet and that my dessert might cause her to stumble. I can't be sure that I won't run into a Christian who is offended by my bare head and jeans when I am out walking my dog. I can't be sure that I am when I drive past someone walking down that street that that person isn't walking because they feel that driving ruins the environment and damages the world that God gave us to live in. You can't be sure of anything not being offensive in this world, but out of all the things that could possible offend alcohol is strange place to draw the line.

About the comment in red: I would think that as a Christian you would care about what other people did. Especially if it made them "poor witnesses" or if you felt that they misrepresented Jesus and Christianity. The reason that I brought up drinking in the first place is not because drinking wine is so important to me, I could take it or leave it really, but because it bothers me when people try to take their opinions and personal preferences and make them universal Christian principals. God told us what he wanted us to do and not to do in His word and He is clear on where, when and how consuming alcohol is appropriate. Some other people being confused about what the Bible says in no way changes God's word or makes those who know His word and act accordingly poor witnesses. MsHoney while I certainly respect your right to an opinion, I am much more concerned with God's opinion on drinking, and He has spoken on the issue. I'm enjoying the discussion though, and I hope that you aren't offended.
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Yep. The Lord said be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers, he didn't say the unsaved. I've had friends who never changed past the alter confession. They started off great but went back to their old ways. They struggle in their lives in areas the could have had victory but were unwilling to make the sacrifices necessary to live a fulfilled life.

They couldn't witness to me because they were doing the same things I was so I didn't really want to hear it. That's what saved only folks don't get. Unsaved look at how we live our lives first and what we say second. The general consensus in America is that Protestants don't drink. If we do drink it's a poor witness and not expedient to the gospel.

Since when is general consensus correct according to God? It was once general consensus in America that black people don't have souls are lesser human beings, and that slavery is OK. Eventually people have to read the Word for themselves and really live accordingly.

Anyway, I think that I see why we have differing opinions on alcohol. I have never had a drinking problem and have been drunk once on accident. I suppose that if I had been a big drinker or club goer at some point in my life then maybe I would have needed to give up drinking in order to change my life. But I wasn't that far out there in that way and have never struggled with in that area. Drunkenness, trashy clubs ect were never vices of mine even before I became a Christian.
Since when is general consensus correct according to God? It was once general consensus in America that black people don't have souls are lesser human beings, and that slavery is OK. Eventually people have to read the Word for themselves and really live accordingly.

Anyway, I think that I see why we have differing opinions on alcohol. I have never had a drinking problem and have been drunk once on accident. I suppose that if I had been a big drinker or club goer at some point in my life then maybe I would have needed to give up drinking in order to change my life. But I wasn't that far out there in that way and have never struggled with in that area. Drunkenness, trashy clubs ect were never vices of mine even before I became a Christian.

Enjoy your drink.

Does your church advocate drinking?
My church is silent on the subject.

So there's nothing in your church's doctrine about drinking? My church's stance and I believe that most Protestant churches is that we only consume alcohol for medicinal reasons. What denomination are you? I'm non-denominational. We used to be AME Zion.

BTW You know I still love you *****, right?:drunk:
So there's nothing in your church's doctrine about drinking? My church's stance and I believe that most Protestant churches is that we only consume alcohol for medicinal reasons. What denomination are you? I'm non-denominational. We used to be AME Zion.

BTW You know I still love you *****, right?:drunk:

Aww I love you too. :bighug:Used to be a baptist church but is now non-denominational.
Aww I love you too. :bighug:Used to be a baptist church but is now non-denominational.

BTW I was never an alcoholic or a barfly *****. Don't think I didn't catch that:grin:

God told me not to drink because it was a poor witness for me to drink. This was before I attended any church, my church is my first church. I was saved and had read the entire bible before I joined. All my instruction came from the Lord directly in the beginning for four months before He told me to join. I had no other doctrine.

What does your church doctrine say about drinking? Do you have a copy? I'll have to find ours for the exact wording but like I said before, we only drink for medicinal purposes.
BTW I was never an alcoholic or a barfly *****. Don't think I didn't catch that:grin: I really didn't mean it that way. Even if you were there were things that I was that were just as bad so......

God told me not to drink because it was a poor witness for me to drink. This was before I attended any church, my church is my first church. I was saved and had read the entire bible before I joined. All my instruction came from the Lord directly in the beginning for four months before He told me to join. I had no other doctrine.

What does your church doctrine say about drinking? Do you have a copy? I'll have to find ours for the exact wording but like I said before, we only drink for medicinal purposes.

I'll get a copy on Sunday.
BTW I was never an alcoholic or a barfly *****. Don't think I didn't catch that:grin:

God told me not to drink because it was a poor witness for me to drink. This was before I attended any church, my church is my first church. I was saved and had read the entire bible before I joined. All my instruction came from the Lord directly in the beginning for four months before He told me to join. I had no other doctrine.

What does your church doctrine say about drinking? Do you have a copy? I'll have to find ours for the exact wording but like I said before, we only drink for medicinal purposes.

ITA with this post. I'm non-denominational and our church doctrine does not advocate drinking. However, before I joined my church I was convicted about drinking. I wasn't an alcoholic but I did drink and it weakened my ability to witness to others. God told me to stop drinking along with other activities that were not necessarily sinful...

This "debate" is a classic example of conviction vs. scripture. Although it is not directly stated " Thou shall never drink or Thou shall not wear an earring as a male" it is certainly a conviction for many a Christian. I really believe there would be less Christians in the club, drinking and doing things that weaken their ability to witness to others if they'd just listen to what God has to say on the topic. There'd be no need to start a "what does the bible say about this" conversation.
ITA with this post. I'm non-denominational and our church doctrine does not advocate drinking. However, before I joined my church I was convicted about drinking. I wasn't an alcoholic but I did drink and it weakened my ability to witness to others. God told me to stop drinking along with other activities that were not necessarily sinful...

This "debate" is a classic example of conviction vs. scripture. Although it is not directly stated " Thou shall never drink or Thou shall not wear an earring as a male" it is certainly a conviction for many a Christian. I really believe there would be less Christians in the club, drinking and doing things that weaken their ability to witness to others if they'd just listen to what God has to say on the topic. There'd be no need to start a "what does the bible say about this" conversation.

Yeah, it would cut back a lot of posts. Prayer is the quickest, easiest way to find out what God says and how he wants us to live as Christians. For some reason, not op, people are really opposed to just letting the Lord settle these debates that should never occur in the first place. You say pray and ask Jesus and people act like you never spoke the words and keep trying to prove their point. I hate to be embarrased so I always pray whether I believe I'm right or have already covered it in church or not:grin:

I had to sacrifice a lot of lawful but not expedient things in my life also. Once an unsaved person gives you the, "And you're supposed to be a Christian" speech, you go throught the check list real quick:grin:. It's either that or end up punching folks out and telling Jesus they fell:lachen: That is a BIG witness killer:grin:
Wow--I haven't ever heard it put quite that way even though I remember my "saved only" days. I used to be a member of the lawful, but not expedient club. Shoot, I was even a member of the unlawful club. And at both of those periods in my life, the Christians surrounding me that I looked up to the most, the ones I admired, the ones I wanted to strive to be like were not "saved only." There was something so very different about these ladies.

Thinking about these very special women brings lots of emotion to my heart right now. They were not "saved only." And if they had been, they would not have had the same kind of influence on me that they did. That influence made me want to be better. It's years later and I still thank God for these witnesses in my life. For I certainly would not have been moved to change if they were drinkers, tatted, and such. They had beautiful hearts and they made sure they represented Him beautifully on the outside also.

The tighter your walk the more people see Jesus in you. It makes folks want to be a Christian. They start watching ever thing you do to see if it's really possible for them to live a godly life. Jesus sacrificed His life for us and all He asks is for is to sacrifice our lifestyles for others. He says for us to pick up our own crosses and follow Him. If we fail to sacrifice those who mark us loose hope for themselves and that's truly heartbreaking.

I went through a lot of supernatural things in the beginning of my walk and I and no one else can blame them on drinking or any other mind/mood altering drugs:grin:. Yep alcohol is a drug just a legal one. If I was drinking I sure would have become an alcoholic after the things I experienced:grin: God needed me to go through them stone cold sober:grin:
well, image is absolutely important in tis day and age, so I will say that a bishop should set a clear godly example for his congregation, especially the kids in his church.

In some countries though they see wearing of jeans to be too worldy for a christian...but I will stand with where the apostle paul stands, that all things may be lawful but not all things are lawful for him.
As long as it's real,then hope it's either properly insured or he has a back-up earring. l aways lose those minute things..I almost gave up wearing earrings.

guess my point is...a diamond stud? as opposed to say ..pearl or plastic? nice choice imho
wearing it on the ear (sporting as in flaunting is an opinion only)
anyways wearing it ..where it usually belongs..on the lobe? and he's a guy?

and loves the Lord and spreads the word

I don't much care..actually don't care at all

except the loving God part and sharing the good news

I soooo agree. When are we going to stop the analysis part of what is worthy of Christianity and just listen to the "loving God part and sharing the good news."

Until we accept ourselves and not to pre-package Christianity styles
in our favorite wrapper, How we gonna accept the people that have all the real "issues of life"?
Didn't read the whole thread. Don't know if this was posted or not"

Exodus 32:2(KJV) - And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.

Men and women both wore earrings in biblical times. Is it appropriate now? I don't know. I'm not necessarily for or against it, but I guess if it causes people questioning his 'christness' then many he should just do without.
Didn't read the whole thread. Don't know if this was posted or not"

Exodus 32:2(KJV) - And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.

Men and women both wore earrings in biblical times. Is it appropriate now? I don't know. I'm not necessarily for or against it, but I guess if it causes people questioning his 'christness' then many he should just do without.

I believe that they Hebrews ears were pierced by the Egyptians to denote their slave distinguish Hebrews from the Egyptians.

Exodus 21:1 (NLV) Now these are the Laws which you are to give them. 2If you buy a Hebrew servant, he will work for six years. In the seventh year he will go free, paying nothing. 3If he comes alone, he will leave by himself. If he is married, then his wife will leave with him. 4If his owner gives him a wife and she gives birth to his sons or daughters, the wife and her children will belong to her owner, and he will leave by himself. 5But if the servant says, 'I love my owner, my wife and my children; I do not care to go free,' 6then his owner will bring him to the judges. And he will bring him to the door or the side of the door. There his owner will make a hole in his ear with a sharp object. And he will serve him all his life.

I note this as what I have picked up over the years. I am not clear if this is accurate in terms of deeper meaning. I don't know if it matters who does the piercing as if this meaning applies. Does this not apply if the person willingly pierces his ear? Does this apply to men only?
:) I was waiting on someone to say that, and I say hey if you can turn water into wine then you get to drink it!

Seriously though, it's my understanding that wine during that time was different in that it was more or less fermented grapes/grape juice and not processed with additives and such like wine is today to increase the buzz factor. I also understand that water back then was quite contaminated. Drinking water was the same water that the donkey bathed in. :( So wine was THE beverage of choice back then.

this is basically the same thing our pastor shared with us recently, he said his "sipping saints":grin: as he called them would point out that jesus drank wine, and I used to say that myself, until i heard him teach this sermon. he really broke it down. As far as the earring, I dont think it would bother me that much, now if i saw my pastor at the bar having a beer, i would definetely be disappointed and would not be able to take in what he has to say anymore:nono:
Didn't read the whole thread. Don't know if this was posted or not"

Exodus 32:2(KJV) - And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.

Men and women both wore earrings in biblical times. Is it appropriate now? I don't know. I'm not necessarily for or against it, but I guess if it causes people questioning his 'christness' then many he should just do without.

Like you, I can't say I see the inapproriatness...

Interestingly, I find that when you give "people" the power to determine your 'Christness' it never seems to measure up to their standards.

I think thats a dangerous slope and I don't give anyone the power to determine that. :nono:
I think I know who it is.... and if it is who I think it is, an earring is the LEAST of what we should be concerned about....:look:

ETA: I came upon new information that changes my initial speculation....

I quoted PF because it aligns with what my pastor instructs the men as well. There are a number of brothers at my church who have the hole but no earring.... meaning that once they gave themselves over to the Lord, they put away those worldly things, including wearing an earring.

As far as the point of being judgemental, I REALLY hope that before the Lord cracks the sky, that we all come to an understanding about what being judgmental really means and when and how being judgemental is and is not erroneous. It is my understanding that, refering to the scripture that says "iron sharpens iron", we "sharpen" each other by being accountable to each other and when we see our fellow brother or sister going astray, that we SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE.... I say this sincerely, not sarcastically...because MY LORD, I hope I have enough sense to hear the truth, especially when it is spoken in love....

On the natural tip, I don't like the brothers (be it men of the cloth, my brother, my father, my uncle, my pastor, my boyfriend, my husband, my sons, etc.) in earrings.... I mean, one earring is bad enough...but now many have taken it too far and now have two or more.... It's not cute.

And I really wanted a tattoo, but when I read the Word of God about tattoos, I had to back off that desire. Point blank.

You betta preach/teach. I am so late on this post. I guess by now everyone knows who it is. There was a lot of fuss about this subject. If it was not an issue the earring would not have dissappeared from the photo.

Any whooo. Why is it that when someone makes a comment or you don't agree with them you are said to be judging.:nono:

i.e. Homesexuality is wrong. Oh.. you are judgemental. Why are you getting mad at me when I am not even the one who said it??? I am agreeing with the one who said it.

Then people always misuse mat 7:1. They just take that verse and leave it there what about the following verses.

The bible does not say not to judge. It basically says if you decide to judge. You better have yur stuff in order as you may be judged by the same manner.

1DO NOT judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves.

2For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you [use to] deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you.
3Why do you [a]stare from without at the [b]very small particle that is in your brother's eye but do not become aware of and consider the beam [c]of timber that is in your own eye? 4Or how can you say to your brother, Let me get the tiny particle out of your eye, when there is the beam [d]of timber in your own eye?
You betta preach/teach. I am so late on this post. I guess by now everyone knows who it is. There was a lot of fuss about this subject. If it was not an issue the earring would not have dissappeared from the photo.

Ding! Ding! Ding! You win the prize!!!!!

I said upthread that just like with President Nixon and Watergate, it wasn't the crime, it was the COVER-UP!!!!

And that's the HUGE POINT in terms of the issue of gauging what Christianity is or is not.

So if this pastor (or anyone) was clear about what is or is not Christian, then, IMHO, there would be no reason to EDIT OUT said earring. If you're gonna wear it, wear it PROUDLY. Don't compromise because it supposedly doesn't look Christian...or maybe it was edited out because it's not the Christian thing to do? Hmmmm....
He was one of the last people I'd expect to see "conforming to the world." It just doesn't sit well with me. After salvation, sanctification should eventually follow. Maybe I shouldn't assume that anyone is sanctified (set apart), but as long as he's been in ministry, I did assume it, and I am utterly surprised.

And this isn't really relevant, but this guy is close to 60 if he isn't already there, which also makes me go :ohwell: to the whole earring thing.

To the bolded: Supergirl, one thing I've learned in my "walk" is not to ASS-UME (forgive the hyphen:lol:, but you get why I placed it there) anything about anyone.


I've learned not to look at every action and worry, b/c some things are just human nature. However, if this pastor is on his way to sin (or already deeply there), I trust the the Lord will work with Him or force Him to deal with the consequences in HIS way, not mine:yep:
You betta preach/teach. I am so late on this post. I guess by now everyone knows who it is. There was a lot of fuss about this subject. If it was not an issue the earring would not have dissappeared from the photo.

Any whooo. Why is it that when someone makes a comment or you don't agree with them you are said to be judging.:nono:

i.e. Homesexuality is wrong. Oh.. you are judgemental. Why are you getting mad at me when I am not even the one who said it??? I am agreeing with the one who said it.

Then people always misuse mat 7:1. They just take that verse and leave it there what about the following verses.

The bible does not say not to judge. It basically says if you decide to judge. You better have yur stuff in order as you may be judged by the same manner.

1DO NOT judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves.

2For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you [use to] deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you.
3Why do you [a]stare from without at the [b]very small particle that is in your brother's eye but do not become aware of and consider the beam [c]of timber that is in your own eye? 4Or how can you say to your brother, Let me get the tiny particle out of your eye, when there is the beam [d]of timber in your own eye?/QUOTE]

Wow! Christians, are the only people that can see something in print then say it doesn't say that.

The scripture says, Don't Judge and criticize and condemn others.....

Why does anyone now want to interpret something that is so very clear.

Thats why Christians can never agree. There is just too much over
analyzing. :wallbash: