can healthy hair look DONE??


New Member
Hi ladies

not logged on for a while, been doing quite well and lurking about every now and then.

ok, my hair is cbl, 6 wpr and overall quite healthy. I deep condition weekly and now that Im 6 wp I am co washing daily to keep in moisturised and manageable. air dry and hair accessories doing me well, or so i THOUGHT!!

Went out last night and I thought I looked pretty cute, but came across some ladies who have previously laughted at lhcf. now their hair aint nothing to write home about, however I just dont feel preened on this regimen and their comments last night really hurt, such as 'you should see my stylist, she may be able to do something for you' 'you'd look better if you did your hair'...

I dont straighten my hair unless its a really special occasion or when i relax to measure length and I air dry as much as poss and my hair is growing , but I guess my question is , how do I get my hair to look 'done' without undoing my hard work?

Im stretching now, 1 to give my hair a break and 2 as a self relaxer i simply cannot be bothered to relax....2 young kids on school holidays i just dont have time!!!!

I know this post is all over the place, Im wondering if i should just wig it, i feel scuzzy and unattractive, thats the truth. man I have issues! Ill stick on a phony tomorrow, maybe that will help. What do you think? should I just go back to straightening daily and keep my hair short.....


Don't let them get you down :sneakyhug: There will be times, espeically when finding your own speed that your hair isn't going to look "done" but "done" to me isn't a good look. You mean slick straight, stiff with products, frayed ends from too much heat or chemicals, thin:nono::nono:

Trust me, you are better off with undone :lol: Healthy hair will have movement, natural shine, softness, body. There are times when I do feel like a fuzz ball when I am stretching but I usually find a way to wear it in curls all over to help it blend in. Even then, with an inch of newgrowth, my hair will still look better than "done" hair with no life.

Keep ya head up. You have no idea how many people have shared similar experiences only to have the last laugh later on when the very same people start running to you for help.
Having a picture would help - they could just be jealous and trying to make you feel bad. :look: Esp. since their hair isn't jawdropping. :lachen:
Maybe you could try braid outs or curly do's to blend your new growth better and give your hair a more styled appearance.
oh thank you ladies. I feel better knowing others have gone through this. A photo? right now I feel like Id crack the camera!!! just think cousin IT!!!

So far my curled styles have made me look like my ole granny mae, but ill persevere. thanks for the hug!!!
oh thank you ladies. I feel better knowing others have gone through this. A photo? right now I feel like Id crack the camera!!! just think cousin IT!!!

So far my curled styles have made me look like my ole granny mae, but ill persevere. thanks for the hug!!!
what kind of curly styles are you doing? i do a LOT of fotki stalking so i would say find a few people whose sigs you adore and look at their pics. just think, they go through the same dilemma: "now that my hair is healthy, what can i do to make it LOOK good?" i have gotten many ideas this way.
Danichoo, yes, healthy hair can most definitely look DONE. It took me a long while to maintain both health and style, but I now know how to acheive both. Rollersetting is my life saver.

I maintain my curls with soft rollers at night. I bought mine in a pack of eighteen at a local pharmacy.

Caruso steam rollers works well with airdried hair too. You can stretch and still look cute. Trial and error is the name of the game, baby!

Hi ladies

not logged on for a while, been doing quite well and lurking about every now and then.

ok, my hair is cbl, 6 wpr and overall quite healthy. I deep condition weekly and now that Im 6 wp I am co washing daily to keep in moisturised and manageable. air dry and hair accessories doing me well, or so i THOUGHT!!

Went out last night and I thought I looked pretty cute, but came across some ladies who have previously laughted at lhcf. now their hair aint nothing to write home about, however I just dont feel preened on this regimen and their comments last night really hurt, such as 'you should see my stylist, she may be able to do something for you' 'you'd look better if you did your hair'...

I dont straighten my hair unless its a really special occasion or when i relax to measure length and I air dry as much as poss and my hair is growing , but I guess my question is , how do I get my hair to look 'done' without undoing my hard work?

Im stretching now, 1 to give my hair a break and 2 as a self relaxer i simply cannot be bothered to relax....2 young kids on school holidays i just dont have time!!!!

I know this post is all over the place, Im wondering if i should just wig it, i feel scuzzy and unattractive, thats the truth. man I have issues! Ill stick on a phony tomorrow, maybe that will help. What do you think? should I just go back to straightening daily and keep my hair short.....


Danichoo, yes, healthy hair can most definitely look DONE. It took me a long while to maintain both health and style, but I now know how to acheive both. Rollersetting is my life saver.

I maintain my curls with soft rollers at night. I bought mine in a pack of eighteen at a local pharmacy.

Caruso steam rollers works well with airdried hair too. You can stretch and still look cute. Trial and error is the name of the game, baby!

I have just looked at your journal and boy your hair is amazing. Stretching for that long? wow

i think my subscription has more than paid for itself today, I was ready to start abusing my hair all over again but now i remember why i am doing it.

Having a picture would help - they could just be jealous and trying to make you feel bad. :look: Esp. since their hair isn't jawdropping. :lachen:
That's what I thought too. Lots of members air dry and their hair looks really nice (Tracee comes to mind). Check out some albums and YouTube for inspiration.
Hi ladies

not logged on for a while, been doing quite well and lurking about every now and then.

ok, my hair is cbl, 6 wpr and overall quite healthy. I deep condition weekly and now that Im 6 wp I am co washing daily to keep in moisturised and manageable. air dry and hair accessories doing me well, or so i THOUGHT!!

Went out last night and I thought I looked pretty cute, but came across some ladies who have previously laughted at lhcf. now their hair aint nothing to write home about, however I just dont feel preened on this regimen and their comments last night really hurt, such as 'you should see my stylist, she may be able to do something for you' 'you'd look better if you did your hair'...

I dont straighten my hair unless its a really special occasion or when i relax to measure length and I air dry as much as poss and my hair is growing , but I guess my question is , how do I get my hair to look 'done' without undoing my hard work?

Im stretching now, 1 to give my hair a break and 2 as a self relaxer i simply cannot be bothered to relax....2 young kids on school holidays i just dont have time!!!!

I know this post is all over the place, Im wondering if i should just wig it, i feel scuzzy and unattractive, thats the truth. man I have issues! Ill stick on a phony tomorrow, maybe that will help. What do you think? should I just go back to straightening daily and keep my hair short.....



How about trying roller setting and then airdrying the roller set or sitting under a hooded dryer?
Hi ladies

not logged on for a while, been doing quite well and lurking about every now and then.

ok, my hair is cbl, 6 wpr and overall quite healthy. I deep condition weekly and now that Im 6 wp I am co washing daily to keep in moisturised and manageable. air dry and hair accessories doing me well, or so i THOUGHT!!

Went out last night and I thought I looked pretty cute, but came across some ladies who have previously laughted at lhcf. now their hair aint nothing to write home about, however I just dont feel preened on this regimen and their comments last night really hurt, such as 'you should see my stylist, she may be able to do something for you' 'you'd look better if you did your hair'...

I dont straighten my hair unless its a really special occasion or when i relax to measure length and I air dry as much as poss and my hair is growing , but I guess my question is , how do I get my hair to look 'done' without undoing my hard work?

Im stretching now, 1 to give my hair a break and 2 as a self relaxer i simply cannot be bothered to relax....2 young kids on school holidays i just dont have time!!!!

I know this post is all over the place, Im wondering if i should just wig it, i feel scuzzy and unattractive, thats the truth. man I have issues! Ill stick on a phony tomorrow, maybe that will help. What do you think? should I just go back to straightening daily and keep my hair short.....



You know, I really could care less about my hair looking "finished/preened" on a daily basis (though I keep my hair pretty neat). I like the feeling of healthy moisturized hair. The thing about it is this: It's the daily care that keeps your hair looking good. On the occassions where I decide to get my hair "done-up", it looks stunning due to the less "preened" styles that I wear on a day-to-day basis. I like airdrying it and keeping it up in buns (now that it is long enough to wear one) and occasionally rollersetting it.

My hair is longer and more healthy than most of my family/friends due to diligent care, and there is no way that I will return to excessive heat styling just to look "preened" for other people.

Let those negative comments bounce off of you and keep doing your thing.

You know, I really could care less about my hair looking "finished/preened" on a daily basis (though I keep my hair pretty neat). I like the feeling of healthy moisturized hair. The thing about it is this: It's the daily care that keeps your hair looking good. On the occassions where I decide to get my hair "done-up", it looks stunning due to the less "preened" styles that I wear on a day-to-day basis. I like airdrying it and keeping it up in buns (now that it is long enough to wear one) and occasionally rollersetting it.

My hair is longer and more healthy than most of my family/friends due to diligent care, and there is no way that I will return to excessive heat styling just to look "preened" for other people.

Let those negative comments bounce off of you and keep doing your thing.


Thank you for this post, I feel exactly the same. Chicks can look as fried, dyed, and layed to the side as they want but I don't really care because 9 times out of 10 their hair is very short, unhealthy, or both.

I do feel a little blah about my hair sometimes because I wear it up a lot and I don't really style it that often but I know it's healthy and that's all I care about.

It cracks me up when people say, "Girl, if I had all that hair I would do this and that to it." I always think to myself, "That's not anything you will ever have to worry about." :perplexed
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You know, I really could care less about my hair looking "finished/preened" on a daily basis (though I keep my hair pretty neat). I like the feeling of healthy moisturized hair. The thing about it is this: It's the daily care that keeps your hair looking good. On the occassions where I decide to get my hair "done-up", it looks stunning due to the less "preened" styles that I wear on a day-to-day basis. I like airdrying it and keeping it up in buns (now that it is long enough to wear one) and occasionally rollersetting it.

My hair is longer and more healthy than most of my family/friends due to diligent care, and there is no way that I will return to excessive heat styling just to look "preened" for other people.

Let those negative comments bounce off of you and keep doing your thing.


ITA...I wouldn't say that my hair looks great day-to-day either... Even at work, my students would say "miss why dont you ever wear your hair down?" Or would wonder why I went so "long" in between relaxers..(high school kids are ALWAYS in the business) Anyway...when ever I wore my hair down and/or got it done...they were always like "WoWWWW....your hair is soooooo pretty/long/shiny" I know that it's the lack of excessive styling techniques on a daily basis that make my hair look so great when I do take the extra time:yep:

But I will say...I count going out as a "special occasion" as far as my hair goes...I like to wear it down... Wear your hair however you feel comfortable! If you feel like you want to bump it up a little with your hair for a night out...half wigs are a great option, while still keeping your hair protcted.:drunk:
Everybody took the words out of my mouth.:lachen:

But yes, I definitely know what you mean. I was airdrying and bunning with some serious new growth and no manipulation and it was a mess for a while:perplexed but I do other things now. Braidouts, rollersets that can still be bunned, and EVERYTIME I wore my hair down my classmates would say how pretty it was, or how it got longer. So, to me, it was worth the temporary tradeoff, because after August, I'm done with the uggmugg styles.

I'll do rollerwraps and buns if I have to bun, since it looks more polished than when I airdry and bun, because my airdried buns .. they're so unkempt.
Aww I'm so sorry you had to hear all that mess. Grown women acting like 13 year old middle school girls, so sad.

If your regimine is helping retain length then ignore them. When I had a relaxer I used to stretch about 3-4 months. I'd wash and rollerset every week or the longest would be two weeks.

When I transitioned to natural I looked a hot mess, now the people that made fun of me ask me what my hair regimine is. You'll have to ignore people and their rude comments. Shake it off.
Don't let them haters bother you :bighug: The ends justify the means, so when you are rocking some fierce hair down to your butt, those heffas will be begging you to tell them your secrets :giggle:
Awww! It's OK sweetheart. I'm going through the same thing at 15 weeks post. I was going to try to go for the six month stretch, but I don't think I can do it. It's getting a little rough up there!

Anyway, last weekend I had too much time on my hands and I straw set my hair. It took me 4 hours to set, and I HATED it when I took it down (I thought it was a little too curly), but I was determined not to wash it out because it took so much time to put the straws and bobby pins in...

Lo and behold...I got SO many compliments on my hair. People thought it was my natural texture! If you have the time, this is a great style. I didn't have to touch my hair for a week. I probably could have gone longer with my hair that way, but it started to get frizzy.

Rollersetting and flat ironing the roots is also a good way to look polished when stretching. Carusos can be your friend! Those are a great way to maintain your hair after rolersetting. HTH!