How long does it take for henna to fade out of your hair?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have a question: How long does it take for henna to fade out of your hair? I have stopped doing henna glosses about two months ago and I still have the orange streaks where there use to be gray hair. I am just curious how much longer do I have to see the red tint in my hair.
Urm, henna is permanent, esp. on lighter colored hair. Those streaks aren't going anywhere for a very long time, unless you color over them.....

And I don't mean permanent like permanent dye, that fades after a while, I mean permanent like - until it grows out.
Urm, henna is permanent, esp. on lighter colored hair. Those streaks aren't going anywhere for a very long time, unless you color over them.....

And I don't mean permanent like permanent dye, that fades after a while, I mean permanent like - until it grows out.

Thanks, I had a feeling that was the answer I was going to hear even though it's not what I want to hear.