Ladies with a fringe/bang-how do you exercise?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies

I really want to cut a fringe or bang but I do 20 minute cardio in the mornings 5 days a week and my hair is so wet afterwards that I wondered how it would look. I mean, iInormally have pin curls in and exercise with my net and a sweat band, it is semi dry by the time I leave for work but it never looks as good as if I did no cardio at all.

How do you handle your hair in general with exercising whether you have a bang or not?
God bless...
I usually wear a ponytail to the gym, sometimes with an ouchless head band. Or I twist my bangs up and pin them down in a little pompadour.
Try exercising in the evening rather than the morning. That way your hair can dry overnight.

Exactly...this is what I do. I pincurl, cover my hair with a thin net, then sweat as much as I want to because I know my hair will be dry by morning. In fact, I got the "thin net" idea from you, lonei...very clever tip!

ETA: God bless you, too!
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