Beer Rinses anyone?


Well-Known Member
**Reposting in this forum - posted earlier in Natural Living**

I read a couple of places that beer is a good rinse for hair, can be used as setting lotion, and also that it might help revert heat damaged natural hair. (A little sceptical of the latter claim - any experiences?)

Just one of the many links I found (simple recipes for beer rinses) is below:

Anybody use beer in their hair lately? What were your results?
i remember this discussion once before. i know the hops in beer is the main key to hair growth. i just ordered beer hops the other day. but as soon as i get them, i'll be on those hops like white on rice.
i remember this discussion once before. i know the hops in beer is the main key to hair growth. i just ordered beer hops the other day. but as soon as i get them, i'll be on those hops like white on rice.

Hmmm, tell me more, I read about it adding body and being used as a sub for setting lotion, didn't see anything about it assisting/promoting growth! How do you intend on using the hops - boiling and then using as a rinse?
I thought about this the other day. I think the beer is supposed to be flat when used on the hair... and in this house, we don't usually waste alcohol. :lol:

Might try this in the next couple of days though. One bottle of beer won't be much of a waste.
first off i plan to ground the hops so i can make rinses out of it. i'm planning on on adding it to some homemade hair rinse just before co. and/or as a cow. the thing about hops is it's sensitivity to light and air.
I thought about this the other day. I think the beer is supposed to be flat when used on the hair... and in this house, we don't usually waste alcohol. :lol:

Might try this in the next couple of days though. One bottle of beer won't be much of a waste.

hey lady!!!! do you remember this beer discussion we had a while back?

i want to give some sites but they don't say how to use the hops/beer exactly. i'm looking for recipes more than anything. if i find anything of intrest i'll share.
I remember SouthernTease mentioning this on her site. At the moment, I am trying to use as many all natural products as I can b/c the commercial products are just not working for me.
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I do remember someone telling me that beer will help revert straight hair to it's natural state, but I have no proof so I don't know.
several years ago (1994) before the internet was readily accesible I had a male coworker whose daughter's hair was very short and he said he went to the library and found a receipe for mixing the beer with shampoo. He wouldnt tell me the receipe but offered to make me some which I never did get. Anyhoo I remember him saying he would heat the beer in a glass container such as a coffee pot he claimed it grew her hair out.
There was a shampoo and conditioner back in 1994 that was created. I could only find it in San Francisco. My sisters and I loved the stuff but they stopped making it. The bottles were the shape of beer bottles and the coloring only plastic.

I wish I could find it again.
I once bought some beer for my hair but my then bf drank it before I had the chance to tried it out :blush: . Men :rolleyes:
hey lady!!!! do you remember this beer discussion we had a while back?

i want to give some sites but they don't say how to use the hops/beer exactly. i'm looking for recipes more than anything. if i find anything of intrest i'll share.

yeah i remember that! let me know what you come across... i am a little interested. although i believe the beer does more for you if you ingest it :lol:
My friends mom (european hair texture) poured beer in her hair to make it moore 'poofy' and to get a fuller look back in the day.

Beer is very rich in Vitamin E and Sugar therefore its a good way to add body and shine. It contains protein and such but the hair doesnt really benefit from the protein generally the beer just adds body and shine to your hair.

Check out this video I found on YT! HTH

Personally, the smell of beer turns me off from ever trying this :nono:

most sites talk about dandruff prevention
and for's just using a can
Treat dandruff. Hops can be rubbed into the affected scalp after scrubbing the hair with a strong detergent then rinse using plain water. This treatment will aid in preventing and controlling dandruff and flaky skin in the scalp.

web vitamins have hops extract

here are 2 recipes

diva613......does this sound like it?
To keep your hair from breaking, pour a bottle of beer into a frying pan. Over a moderate flame, simmer the beer until it is reduced to a thick syrup. Let this cool, and pour into a full bottle of shampoo. Shake thoroughly. Wash your hair with this shampoo as usual. The protein from the beer will keep your hair in good condition.

Use flat beer to help prevent spit ends do it once or 2 times a month but it straight on your hair, wrap it in a towel for 1 to 2 hours and rinse out.

well i can't really find recipes...i guess i'll be the one playing mad scientist in the kitchen. since i'm in the middle east i can't have been. or, or is there a difference between beer and non alcoholic beer---not the obvious difference. i wonder if it'll produce the same benefit? if it does i can buy n/a beer here otherwise i'll have to stick with my hops.
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I poured one mixed with jojoba oil over my hair a few months ago and it made my hair poofy and shiny. I wanted the thickness so that was a plus for me. I will be doing it again for sure. If you don't want the strong beer scent to be left in your hair, make sure to use a very light smelling beer.

ETA: I wonder if guiness stout can also be used as a rinse, hmmm!
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My friends mom (european hair texture) poured beer in her hair to make it moore 'poofy' and to get a fuller look back in the day.

Beer is very rich in Vitamin E and Sugar therefore its a good way to add body and shine. It contains protein and such but the hair doesnt really benefit from the protein generally the beer just adds body and shine to your hair.

Check out this video I found on YT! HTH

Personally, the smell of beer turns me off from ever trying this :nono:
Hi there,
Can you share the link for the yt video please?
more homemade beer recipes

3/4 cup beer (any cheap brand)

1 cup inexpensive shampoo

Boil the beer until it reduces to 1/4 cup. Cool the beer and add it to the 1 cup of inexpensive shampoo.

a variation to above
1/2 pint beer (any brand)
1 bar castile soap, grated
2 ounces glycerin
1 ounce hops (tea)
There was a shampoo and conditioner back in 1994 that was created. I could only find it in San Francisco. My sisters and I loved the stuff but they stopped making it. The bottles were the shape of beer bottles and the coloring only plastic.

I wish I could find it again.

Good enough to make you wish u could repurchase huh? What were the noticeable effects on your hair?

here are 2 recipes

diva613......does this sound like it?
To keep your hair from breaking, pour a bottle of beer into a frying pan. Over a moderate flame, simmer the beer until it is reduced to a thick syrup. Let this cool, and pour into a full bottle of shampoo. Shake thoroughly. Wash your hair with this shampoo as usual. The protein from the beer will keep your hair in good condition.

Use flat beer to help prevent spit ends do it once or 2 times a month but it straight on your hair, wrap it in a towel for 1 to 2 hours and rinse out.

Yeah, that sounds like it!
Has anybody used it in place of setting lotion? My hair has a lot of thickness and body anyway...
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I remember a thread about this about a year ago. I attempted this twice but I could never let the beer sit and get flat. I always ended up drinking it :laugh: I hate to see good beer just sitting there.
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LOL - you and ladylibra both! I'm not a fan of beer or alcohol in general really so that won't be an issue for me.
Beer is great! I use it in the syrup form as a shampoo once a month, and when I do my egg deep conditioner, I use the beer to rinse it out. Works great! My hair has never been stronger...
Good enough to make you wish u could repurchase huh? What were the noticeable effects on your hair?

Yes, I would purchase it again if it was available. My hair was healthy and shiny. Very full but my sisters liked that more than I did, because I have always had big hair when I took care of it.

I think the shine and how I could manage it when I had the relaxer and began transitionining was most memorable.

I just saw this site regarding beer shampoo bar (disclaimer) I don't know anything about this person or their site. Showng strictly for informational purposes.

This is for the ladies who can't go to the site:

Don't worry! You won't end-up smelling like BEER!

Beer Shampoo Bar
Item# CO_BeerSoap
Average price: $4.50
Our price: $2.00
Fragrance: Rain ForestTranquil Tropics & Lilac
Beer soap is a wonderful cleansing, lathering, and moisturizing experience, and a beer lover's dream come true. What an inconspicuous, unique way to add health supporting characteristics to your daily skin care regimen -- or celebrate a special occasion with someone's favorite beer in a bar soap. Since beer is made with hops, the properties and benefits of hops become a skin blessing when used as the base for soap. Hops are known as a relaxing herb and that relaxing affect stays with the bar after going through the soap making process. Try soaping up after a hectic, stressful day. Takes relaxing with your favorite brew to a different level, doesn't it? Hops sooth irritated skin and contains polyphenols thought to account for its anti-bacterial and preservative effects, contains skin-softening amino acids and scented with Tranquil Tropics & Lilac. 4oz bar

Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Palm Oil and a well known Domestic Beer.
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