Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

I have met someone who INSISTS on celibacy and wants to live for the Lord.

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Revelation 3:5 'He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.

Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. (NASB ©1995)

People need the Lord!
I often naturally have the ability to encourage and uplift others, believing without any uncertainty that G-d is in charge. The ability is there, but for my own life, there is so much doubt and hopeless feelings...
I really need to spend more time here in the christian forum. I feel peace here. Somethings have been really bothering me lately. Messing with my spirit, i feel drained.
I really need to spend more time here in the christian forum. I feel peace here. Somethings have been really bothering me lately. Messing with my spirit, i feel drained.
Sis, my advice to you...stay in the threads with substance. The Holy Spirit will show you. It's important for your spirit...for you to be lifted up and encouraged.

Trust me.

Also, it may be time to turn your plate over and get direction from the Lord.

Be encouraged...I'm here for you if you need me.


My eyes are reading some :spinning::spinning: stuff, man....

This song has been in my heart for quite sometime.....Helen Baylor is my girl!!!

Ministers of Defense

Pressure is mounting in these last and evil days
To conform and fit into the world and all its ways
The enemy tries to make yield to occupy our minds
He wears down our resistance as we live in the daily grind

We're ministers of defense for the Gospel The Gospel of Jesus Christ We're prepared to fight for the Kingdom We're not ashamed to hold up the light

We've received our orders, our purpose is to fight
We're raising up our standard in the Name of Jesus
Pushing back the darkness,
tearing down the walls
Standing up for righteousness although we sometimes fall

we will not give up
we will not give in
we're more than conquerors
and we are going to win

We're ministers of defense for the Gospel The Gospel of Jesus Christ We're prepared to fight for the Kingdom We're not ashamed to hold up the light

We're gonna fight on-yes we will
Fight the fight of faith
We're gonna press on
Pressing everyday
We're gonna pray on
Pray the prayer of faith
We're gonna run on
With Jesus all the way


in the army of the lord
true born soldier
in the army

My eyes are reading some :spinning::spinning: stuff, man....

This song has been in my heart for quite sometime.....Helen Baylor is my girl!!!

Ministers of Defense

Pressure is mounting in these last and evil days
To conform and fit into the world and all its ways
The enemy tries to make yield to occupy our minds
He wears down our resistance as we live in the daily grind

We're ministers of defense for the Gospel The Gospel of Jesus Christ We're prepared to fight for the Kingdom We're not ashamed to hold up the light

We've received our orders, our purpose is to fight
We're raising up our standard in the Name of Jesus
Pushing back the darkness,
tearing down the walls
Standing up for righteousness although we sometimes fall

we will not give up
we will not give in
we're more than conquerors
and we are going to win

We're ministers of defense for the Gospel The Gospel of Jesus Christ We're prepared to fight for the Kingdom We're not ashamed to hold up the light

We're gonna fight on-yes we will
Fight the fight of faith
We're gonna press on
Pressing everyday
We're gonna pray on
Pray the prayer of faith
We're gonna run on
With Jesus all the way


in the army of the lord
true born soldier
in the army
You just ministered these very words to me. Wow! Confirmation!

Thank you so much for being my 'sister'. :love2:
Can You Reach My Friend?
Helen Baylor

I got a call from an old friend
We laughed about how things had changed
But I could tell things weren't going as well
as he claim

He tried to hide his feelings
But they only gave him away
The longer I listened,
The more I kept wishing that
I knew the right words to say

Can You reach my friend ?
Bring his searching to an end
Lord, I know you love him
Help him understand
Can You reach my friend?
You are the only One who can
Help him give his heart to You

We talked for more than an hour
I smiled when he mentioned Your name
I said that I knew You

I told him the difference You made
But he never thought he would need You
But maybe he's changing his mind
As we said goodbye Lord
He told me that I had found
Something that he'd like to find

Can You reach my friend?
You are the only One who can
Lord, I know You love him
Help him understand
Can you reach my friend?
Bring his searching to an end
Help him give his heart to You

Maybe he's ready tonight
Lord, he said that he might
Need to call You

Help him give his heart to You
And thank you for being mine...I'm so blessed to have you in my life! :kiss:

ETA: I love Helen Baylor's Testimony... how her grandmother prayed for her and got a powerful breakthrough.

"Save My Granddaughter..... Lord Save my Granddaughter" Those words are powerful in her testimony. Praise God!
"Folks" be watching who you thank around here... :rolleyes: :look: :rolleyes:

Are we not free to give 'thanks'? :perplexed

I am truly blessed and thankful, that my children know and love the Lord. Tonight my DD heard me gasp, and asked what was wrong? I told her and she wanted to say a word of prayer for baby Emma. I was truly touched by this. It brought tears in my eyes. Not only did she pray for Emma, but the family as well.
"Folks" be watching who you thank around here... :rolleyes: :look: :rolleyes:

Are we not free to give 'thanks'? :perplexed


hmmmm so much for a private conversation...
thanks ladies
I'm also going to be taking your posts with a grain of salt, I feel like as older Christian women your reactions to people's questions and comments should be a bit more open and thought out, and with love in mind...
I knew that PM was going to be way less private than it should've...
Not trying to start drama but I really would like for someone to prove me wrong in my experience that Christians (especially women) can be catty, seekers of status, and condescending... I know this isn't everyone but its too often...
People walk around pretending like they haven't been scorned in the church or like they haven't seen wrong in the church... It even goes on in this forum
I don't want to feel like this but in my life I do...
I guess thats not yall's burden to carry or your business, but Christianity is becoming more and more unattractive to me... not Jesus, just Christianity
and as a paying subscriber it is my right to say so
Hopefully no matter what age or how "full of the word/ spirit" we might be, we can still understand that we are so small compared to God and have a humbleness about us the way Jesus did
I know so little, but I think thats everyone... Who knows the impact you may have on another's life?
I don't want anyone else to feel like this, so please, please if someone reaches out to you, be a "Christian" about it...
ok bye
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I am truly blessed and thankful, that my children know and love the Lord. Tonight my DD heard me gasp, and asked what was wrong? I told her and she wanted to say a word of prayer for baby Emma. I was truly touched by this. It brought tears in my eyes. Not only did she pray for Emma, but the family as well.

Children are so loving and they always have a way to lift our hearts at the most appropriate times. It's no small wonder why God calls them a 'Gift' to us.

God bless your Darling Daughter.... :love2:
Are ;you still my anti-virus protector? :giggle:
You know it girl....

I got cho' back....:grin: