Christians Going Hungry


formerly nicola.kirwan
This question might seem a bit out there, but I guarantee you it caused some controversy in a bible study I was attending.

Does God allow Christians to die of hunger?

Certain verses come to mind:
  • "I have been young, and now am old;
    Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,
    Nor his descendants begging bread." --Psalm 37:25
  • "Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?" --Luke 12:24
  • "Cast all your cares on him, for He cares for you." --1 Peter 5:7
On the other hand, people in the original study were offended since there are countries where there is famine, severe poverty, etc., and so it would seem insensitive to say that God doesn't allow believers to go hungry. There weren't any examples given, though.
Angel, we live in a messed up world that God did not create. It's not God who 'letting' this happen, it's the sin and the blind selfishness of mankind.

There is more than enough food and resources in this entire world to feed just that... the entire world. God made this total provision long before the foundations of the earth. When God created this 'home' of ours, He set into place everthing that we would ever need to thrive and to survive.

So who's really the blame and the culprits? Man is. And we cannot blame God.

What we have to do, it make the system own up and give up what they are stealing and hoarding for themselves.

God still provides, He is still our source and He DOES provide for His children. I can guarantee you that any 'Chrisitan' (per say) who has gone to God for help, has never been turned down. Never.

We need to ask what is the real issue behind the 'hunger', lack need and wants of these precious souls. It's always something, and it will always lead to man not God And it's up to 'us' to do something about it.

So many of us are so afraid of losing what we have, (yes, Christians) that we are not extending ourselves to truly help another Christian in dire straits. We give limited proportions out of fear of bringing lack upon ourselves.

Some Christians are ashamed and fearful of letting it be known that they need help and I don't berate them for this, for it's not easy to confess hard times, especially if it's a man.

Yet, if we do not let our requests be made known....

Nicola, it's a messed up world, Sweetheart. It truly is. I grieve over what I've seen and it doesn't have to be this way; It's not God who isn't providing, though. It's man withholding God's provision to help others.

Even in the empoverished countries (Africa, Asia, India, etc.,) it's a crooked and dishonourable 'system' controlled by 'man' that is the root cause, it's not God who is holding out. It's a mafia, stealing more and more and hindering the poor from true life.

We have to consider where our dollars go when we purchase that tube of toothpaste, or products for our hair. Who is on the other end of those dollars that we are enablng to bring more and more dispair? We're helping this crooked system to thrive in more ways then we know.

Who do we help when we go to Walmart? Target? Gas Stations? All of these places are examples of a world's system, that we 'feed' and nurture with our resources, in order to obtain our daily living needs, and yet, these same needs are being stolen from another family's resources.

It's a vicious cycle and again, God is not the blame.

Joseph and Noah were two of the perfect examples of God's provision being preserved. They were both forwarned of the upcoming peril and instructed on how to prepare for it.

God always provides.

Blessings :Rose:
Great Post Shimmie!

Just look at how many people are fighting our President for wanting a public option in the health care reform bill...
Nicola- I hope you don't mind me expressing my sentiments in your thread. Although I think it's relevant since we are talking about those who are less fortunate than others....

I believe that we are blessed to be a blessing. Christmas and Thanksgiving is around the corner and I hope that those who are able to give don't miss an opportunity to be a blessing to someone in need.

There are a lot of organizations where you can adopt or sponsor a family or child for the holiday season. And there may be someone in close proximity to you that needs a helping hand.

Let's not just talk about it....

~Be Blessed
Great Post Shimmie!

Just look at how many people are fighting our President for wanting a public option in the health care reform bill...

:yep: Pink Pebbles, this a perfect example! No one in this country should be neither hungry, homeless, or with a headache without an aspirin. It makes no sense whatsoever, that anyone in this country is without medical care.

Especially with all of the advances in the medical profession and yet there's no advancement for any and all to benefit from it?

It's a propaganda... all of it. A total and complete propaganda and God is no where in it to be blamed for this mess that man created and keeps active. :nono:
On the other hand, people in the original study were offended since there are countries where there is famine, severe poverty, etc., and so it would seem insensitive to say that God doesn't allow believers to go hungry. There weren't any examples given, though.

Unfortunately, westerners have been able to use that scripture to conclude that others simply aren't believers. And we all know how we got rich. :look: I've known people to say that the U.S. is rich because it's "christian." Those people haven't really looked deep enough.

Seeming contradictions in the bible. It's for a purpose, perhaps to get us to use our minds. It's equivalent to people declaring that G-d will heal them according to scriptures that support. And when they do not get healed, others reason that their faith wasn't strong enough. A mustard seed's worth doesn't suffice with G-d filling in the rest? Some will starve, some will never experience lack. Some will be healed and for some others, G-d will tell them "no."
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