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"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Inner Peace . . .


I am a radiating center of peace.

Heat emanates from the core of the sun, where particles bump and collide, radiating energy and warmth. When I turn my face to the sun, I feel the power that is released from deep within it, benefitting me and all of planet Earth.

Deep within me, divine light radiates love and energy throughout my mind, body and spirit. Loving expressions emanate from the core of me, from my Christ nature. I have within me all I need to radiate love and peace into the world.

Outward expressions of peace begin with inner peace. I focus and center myself on the Christ Light within, and every thought I hold and every word I speak are bathed in peace.

"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.

John 8:12

Daily Word — Thursday, October 29, 2009
This a reflection of you Shimmie..just beautiful..I have to learn God has already equiped me everything I need to take over the world in Jesus name..
This a reflection of you Shimmie..just beautiful..I have to learn God has already equiped me everything I need to take over the world in Jesus name..
:kiss: You are a warm and loving hug in God's heart. He loves that you need Him; you make Him feel like "Daddie" protecting His sweet Baby Girl.

All He ever wants is for you to 'need' Him and He'll take over the world for you...and just for you. Holding you safely in His heart and His arms all along the way. :giveheart:
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