See now this is tacky as hell **PICS**

I'm just waiting on the genius who didn't see this thread to ask if that's me in the avatar :lachen: I wanna know what the back of her head looks like. I need a 360 view.

LMAO!! And you, Miss betta stop it with that avatar!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Talkin 'bout "scarf method"

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :rofl:


Really?!?! I mean come on :nono:.
:lachen: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww man! I got my laugh from a good healthy place. My play-sister wears half wigs all the time, and most people think it is her hair. This pictures here? Just foolishness! :laugh:
maybe they made no efforts to blend so that customers could see what the half wig looks like. maybe they thought the wigs looked so realistic that no one would believe it wasn't the model's hair if it was blended in well
LMAO This has to be the funniest thread I've seen in awhile! I'm dying :lachen: What gets me is how these women can look so serious and happy knowing good and well their is a HAM. WTF @ straight hair in the front and curly hair in the back!

I'm still dying off of this pic. This just so wrong:



not that I endorse this foolishness in any way, shape, or form, but that pictures is probably the best out of all that i've seen in this thread so far simply b/c the model's hair matches the haircolor of the bun
Ok so the lacy lace front; yall think she just put it on to take a pic and that's the one she's actually tryna sell so she didn't wanna cut the lace? Just asking :look: These pics are treacherous.