50 Hair Tips I found Online


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50 Beautiful Hair Tips

by Tesa D. Crews (http://www.familydigest.com/stories/50hair.cfm)

Okay, we've all had an occasion where "bad hair day" was a huge understatement. Even the big side of the comb wouldn't go through your hair! Beautiful hair is a serious issue and extremely important to every woman's appearance and self esteem. It doesn't have to be a struggle, especially if you pay close attention to these 50 great tips on how to keep your hair beautiful.

1. Stay away from the heat. Even the sun can do damage.
2. Wrap your hair up nightly.
3. Clip those ends. It gives your hair a clean look, and keeps it healthier.
4. Go easy on the oil.
5. Deep condition, especially when taking medication.
6. Don't over-color.
7. Braid it up. Just remember, even with braids, you must maintain a proper hair care regimen.
8. Use kid gloves when combing your hair.
9. Use end papers when rolling your hair.
10. Say, "No" to brushing hair daily. This breaks the hair and scratches the scalp.
11. Massage your scalp.
12. Keep your hands out of your hair. Twirling your hair between your fingers weakens the hair.
13. Don't over-relax.
14. Accept your hair for what it is, and make the most of it.
15. Choose cuts to flatter your face. What looks good on Halle Berry may not work for you.
16. Relax. Stress plays a huge part in how healthy your hair can be.
17. Take hair vitamins.
18. Find good curling irons.
19. Don't be afraid to spend money. Maintaining hair is sometimes costly.
20. Maintain a healthy scalp. Beautiful hair starts at the scalp.
21. Choose hair color that complements your skin tone and eye color.
22. Don't miss important appointments with your hair stylist.
23. Weave, in moderation.
24. Control dandruff.
25. Wash your hair regularly. Don't wait two weeks. Dirt and oil aren't allowing your scalp to breathe.
26. Protect your hair from chlorine.
27. Let your hair air dry every now and then. This is less damaging to your hair, and air drying adds more volume.
28. Steam roll.
29. Use satin pillowcases to help minimize hair breakage.
30. Follow every shampoo with a moisturizing conditioner.
31. Stay away from products that offer quick fixes.
32. Don't sleep on Velcro rollers.
33. Pay good money for a hair cut. The old adage, "You get what you pay for," is very true when it comes to hair cuts.
34. Never apply a chemical relaxer to girls under age 9. "Prepubescent girls have not developed internally or externally," says Wanda Kenty, licensed instructor and hair care technician at Jackie's Proud Lady in Columbus, Ohio. "A chemical relaxer will deprive the hair of reaching it's full natural potential, thus rendering hair more susceptible to weakness and retardation of growth."
35. Search for the best hair stylist you can find.
36. Be a good client.
37. Eat right. Green leafy vegetables are important for healthy hair.
38. Handle hair carefully when wet.
39. Stick with your hair routine. Don't get lazy. Consistency pays off.
40. Let your hair stylist apply your chemical relaxer.
41. Know your hair type.
42. Neutralizing shampoos should not be used between relaxers.
43. Forget many of the old wives tales you heard when you were a child.
44. Research hair care products based on your hair type and their reputation.
45. Be weary of generic products. They are usually watered down.
46. Use hot oil treatments.
47. Don't bleach chemically relaxed hair.
48. Love your hair. It is an extension of you.
49. Be knowledgeable. Knowledge is power.
50. Pay close attention to your hair and listen to its needs.

Remember, "good hair" shouldn't be defined by its texture, but as strong, healthy and vibrant hair.
i think i will ask my stylist to apply my relaxer...even though it's an ORS...that's a great idea.
Good tips, especially
42. Neutralizing shampoos should not be used between relaxers.

I usually do one lather with neutralizing shampoo 3-5 days after I retouch my hair to make sure it's okay. I'll stop this!
These seem like bascially reasonable hair care tips, however, #1 seems at odds with #18...(well maybe to me because I'm a hardcore no-heat girl :lol:)